Chapter 3 - New Hire

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      I stayed a bit before closing time and on my way home put up a few more posters. Hopefully tomorrow will be more enjoyable.

Where Y/N has another bad day...maybe




     On my way to the Ringmasters Bakery, I found time to place a few more posters. It's times like this where walking to work comes in handy. All I had to do was pray that those posters were seen by the right people and not some weird old crazy guy. Not to be confused with Kinger though, he's a very nice guy and caring but sometimes I remind myself that he's probably gonna start ranting about how the earth is flat sometime soon... 

     "Oh look who it is~!" A familiarly annoying voice sang causing me to snap out of autopilot.

     "lord have mercy." I facepalm as I'm dreadfully faced with the Jerk from previously.

     "Not happy to see me Short Stuff? I thought we bonded awfully well the last time we met!" He snickered once more at the thought.

     "Id beg to differ. What are you doing here?"

     "You did say you worked here right? It seemed like an invitation especially since this came flying my way~" He pulled out a poster that was advertising the bakery.

     Shit. Probably one of the few posters that had blown away and just so happened to land in his hands. Is this what they call foreshadowing? Not the point.

     "I know I'm hot and all but there's no need to stare Short Stuff~"

     I felt myself getting angry again, attempting to calm down while also telling him off, "Stop referring to me as that. If you want to eat then come inside but if not then you need to leave."

     "Aw shucks," He snaps his fingers sarcastically "Guess I'll just have to apply for this job if I want to have more fun with you." He waves the poster back and forth before waltzing inside.

     "Jeez. God forbid anyone heard that..." I followed behind him, knowing it would be a hell of a day.

     The bell attached to the door rings as the Jerk Face walks in, purposely slamming it shut. My body froze before stumbling backward. I blink a few times before noticing blood dripping onto the concrete. Confused, my hand feels around my face before feeling the liquid on my fingers

     "bloody nose?" I sit on the sidewalk confused.

     Everything suddenly felt dizzy and the last thing I remember was seeing Gangle and Ragatha run up to me before everything went black.


     "She passed out becau...expect to get hired!?"

     "Whaaaaat? It was only a...take a joke~?"

     "...hurt! or worse! What care!?"

     A shock of pain shoots through my head causing me to shoot up from what seemed to be two chairs pushed together. The sound in the room goes in and out before finally everything becomes clear. I groan in pain as the shock comes back, holding the back of my head.

     "Wait-Y/N is awake!" Gangle comes over to me worriedly, Holding an icepack to my head.

     The cold fully wakes me up as I realize the situation. Ragatha was arguing with the mystery man for some reason. I turn to look back at Gangle as she holds me close.

     "Don't worry now, we're going to handle this..."

     Ragatha takes a deep breath, putting a hand to her head as she tries to calm down. The Jerk seems unfazed by the situation, possibly seeing it as irrelevant or some sort of gag. Gangle lets go of me and walks back over to Ragatha and the two start talking. I watch them, sitting on the chair confused until Jerk Face turns back to look at me. He observed me for a few seconds then smiled widely, almost maliciously. I scrunch my nose and give him a dirty look in return.

     "Okay. Instead of kicking you out, let's say that it was just a harmless 'joke'. We still can't hire you. Only our boss can accept new hires. I think it would be in your best interest to give up." Ragatha crosses her arms as she indirectly tells him to leave.

     "Okay then'll just come back when they are here." The mystery man says as he walks towards me. "See ya."

     As he turned to walk out, the lights audibly shut off, everything going dark. I flinch at the sudden change, taking a few seconds till my eyes adjust to the darkness. I groan as feel for the door and walk at to go outside where the breaker is. Before my hand reaches the handle the bell rings as the door slams open, almost taking me out again.

     "WELCOME NEW-dammit the fog machine isn't WELCOME, NEW EMPLOYEE TO THE RINGMASTERS TREATS!" An ungodly light shines behind the man standing at the door, his voice booming off the walls.

     A voice inevitable to not recognize once heard, my boss, Caine.

I meant to post yesterday, sorry for the delay

(Art by LouLouVZ)

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