Chapter XXVII: Up To My Neck In You

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I could have sworn I was dying.

Was it from walking in my boots?

Was it from bending over backwards to satisfy my idiotic thinking last night?

Either way my muscles were killing me. 

My bed consumed me while Maude and Brett snored away on the living room couch. My mind replayed the events of the morning and the night before. Somehow, Angus didn't think I was a lousy girlfriend and now he had his friend to worry about. 

Phil better be okay....

Maude's purse lay on the floor by the bed, my nightie and garter crumpled inside it. Angus insisted I keep his clothes to wear. I snuggled up in his jumper. It fit just right. 

Reeked of cigarettes and chocolate cake. There was even a stain on the front.

Telling Maude what happened last night was out of the question. I was humiliated enough. Knowing good and well she wouldn't dare think anything mean or less of me, I still hated to relive it. Luckily there were no hickeys to explain.

Angus took one for the team this time.

You're a joke. 

He's out there telling the entire band and crew what happened. What you did. 

Or....what you didn't do....

Tea. I needed tea.

Sitting up and battling a sudden bout of vertigo I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen for the kettle. Sneaking past the snoozing lovebirds I saw their trail of destruction. A pair of wine glasses and an empty bottle, several bags of chips and chocolate lolly wrappers, a gourmet feast of crumbs and leftover bok choy, and Brett's shirt.

He was covered in lipstick. I quickly averted my gaze.

Hot tea brought a flush to my cheeks. That along with the warm weather had me feeling feverish. The ghost of Angus' touch, his lips....I shivered. 

I chugged more tea, slipping in a painkiller or two.

Sunshine kissed the windows and enveloped me as I pulled open a curtain. Brett stirred and Maude snorted but neither of them woke. Mentally I counted how much money we had remaining. I needed a distraction. 

I needed to take a trip to the beach. 

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