Chapter XXXI: No More Looking Back

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"Oh, I wish," Bon said grinning at me. A wad of chewing gum smacked around in his mouth. "I asked but she shot me down. Said somethin' about havin' a boyfriend, like. Might have gone to his place." 

"It's worth a shot," I told Angus. He nodded at Bon.

"Thanks, mate. See ya' at the airport."

"Yeah, sure." Bon looked down at me and ruffled my hair. "See you around, kid." 

My heart still hurts to think about that.

I stood on my toes to thank him with a kiss on the cheek and took off with Angus to Brett's hotel. It wasn't until we got there that I realised I couldn't remember which room he was in. I had always let Maude lead the way. Right as I was about to tell him this a woman with copper red hair and hoop earrings came out the front door of the hotel. Her eyes were on the ground and she gasped when she looked up and saw us. "Oh! I...didn't expect to see you two here," she said. 

I grabbed her for a hug. "I'm so sorry I left," I said. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanted me executed." 

"Executed?" Maude and Angus asked at the same time. Maude peeled me off. "I'm alright, Hanny, I was just seeing if Brett felt any better."

"You stayed the night here?"

"Sure. When I saw you leave with Angus McStud--" Angus raised his eyebrows. "Angus....Young, over here," she corrected herself. "I knew you weren't coming back." She winked at me. 

"I still should have told you something," I said as we walked down the street. "For all you know he kidnapped me." Angus grabbed me around the waist playing along. 

"Yeah, an' taken her with me on the plane," he said kissing my cheek. "An' had her all to myself."

I blushed like a maniac at his slippery voice and Maude's big arse smirk. I made a poor attempt at changing the subject. " Brett any better?"

Maude scoffed. "Hardly. I caught him strumming guitar and trying to sing  a little bit. Not on my watch!" I smiled. Angus had let go of my waist and settled for holding my hand. "I swiped the guitar away and sent him straight to bed."

"Bet he's gettin' ice cream, huh?" Angus asked. "Wouldn't mind some of that."

Maude's smile grew a little bit. "In theory," she giggled. Angus and I exchanged looks and I started laughing. 

"Uh...never mind about that," he said clearing his throat.


"I'll see ya' in a couple days, okay? You know where the airport is?"

I nodded my head, afraid of speaking in case the tears started falling. He pulled me in for a hug and stroked my hair. This morning in our rush to dress and find Maude he had put on more cologne. I now associated whatever smell it was with him. His jumper was warm and soft. I suddenly remembered the jumper he lent me and pulled away. "What about...that jumper you gave me?" I asked trying to keep my voice from cracking. "And your jeans?"

He tilted his head in thought before smiling. "Why don't you hang on to those for me?" he said as he kissed my nose. "They look a lot better on you anyway, ya' know?" Before I could protest he locked his lips on mine. His soft hands cupped my face and I could feel him smile. He stepped back giggling. "Sorry, love. Jus' a bit...happy today, I dunno..." He shrugged.

I tried to smile. 

It was a futile attempt.

I was not happy today.

"Love you," he said giving me one last kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too," I mumbled.

I closed the door before he could see me cry. What was wrong with me? Angus just treated me to the most romantic day (and night) of my life, told me he loves me at least a million and one times, and let me keep his jumper safe for him and I burst out crying? 

He was also leaving. 

For a long fucking time. 

Any number of things might happen between our goodbye and our reunion. 

I might never even see him again.

Excusing myself from the living room I headed for my bedroom, giving Maude a tearful glance on my way in. Closing my door behind me I sat on my bed and pulled my knees up to my chest, gently rocking. 

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