Part 8

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Brooklyn woke up the next night, if rather groggily, but he found he couldn't open his mouth at all. He found his beak was tied shut again. He tried to struggle, but then, he felt something sharp pierce his right arm in the wrist area. It made him wince. He looked down at his arm and saw the gauntlet on it.

If he could get loose, he would get it off of his arm. But all of his limbs were tied down tightly. He let loose a muffled yell.

"Good evening, Red. Sorry, but your wakefulness is only going to be for a short time." Vick stated to Brooklyn.

Brook tried again to get loose but to no avail as he was knocked out again. The tube was reinserted into his throat for the night. He forced more food down the tube again. It would always be made sure that it was safe, of course, before putting food down into the stomach.

And this continued on a nightly basis for several weeks. Brooklyn was kept in a coma throughout the nights. It was only that his stone sleep let him wake up every night and only for a few minutes before he would be sedated again and again.

Vick had his own doctor to keep track of Brooklyn's vitals every night. He took his pulse and blood pressure nightly. Something that Irene only did on the exams. They remained about the same. He also strapped some heart monitors to Brook's belly to hear the embryos' heartbeats. He also had him weighed too.

Brooklyn usually weighed around 210 pounds, but he was going to be gaining weight with this pregnancy too. Vick would be forcing food down his throat whether he liked it or not.

Vick was wanting the gargoyle to avoid the rest of the first trimester of the early stages of pregnancy. He wanted him to look good and plump before letting him come out of it for good. He couldn't wait to see Brooklyn's reaction when he saw how big his belly would be soon.

The doctor also examined the embryos once a week to make sure they were still growing and could see their hearts beating on the screen. He and Vick also heard their hearts on the computer too. They sounded good and healthy.

Vick also made sure that Brooklyn was given good healthy foods to help the embryos grow strong. He fed him three times a night, regardless of whether or not Brook's gut brought up anything. A strong barbiturate was used to keep him unconscious. It wasn't harming the embryos any. Vick was also glad to get the opportunity to be rubbing his hands over Brooklyn's stomach to just get a sense of the babies in there.


As the weeks passed, Vick started to notice the start of a bump in the gargoyle's stomach beginning to rise. It made him smile. The embryos were now fetuses.

Just two more weeks and with the belly looking plump enough that Brooklyn would definitely notice it. But at least the bringing up of vomit had stopped and food given to him seemed to stay down now. The worst was over with the pregnancy. The babies in there were bigger and stood a chance at a stronger survival.

Vick had kept Brooklyn for well over seven weeks. He was well into his 14th week. But he wanted him sedated for two more weeks. He wanted the gargoyle to see a round belly when he woke up. And it would be closer to when the twins would start moving inside him to be felt too.


At sixteen weeks, Vick decided it was time to get Brooklyn woke up again, permanently. He had the fetuses examined one more time with the ultrasound as he had a feeling Brooklyn likely wouldn't cooperate much.

After one final night being unconscious, he turned to stone that morning, and the man said, "Be prepared for the surprise of your life tomorrow night." He grinned smugly.

"But what are we going to do with him after that?" One of Vick's men asked. "Are we going to keep him on the table, or let him up?"

"Yeah. We don't have the space here like what Irene had done to make him comfortable." Another stated.

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