Part 22

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That night, the clan all awakened out of their stone sleep.

Brooklyn roared to life in the bed. He knew that he didn't want the twins far from him. He was still concerned for his son, if he had made it through his first day. He looked over and saw his kids were still stone.

"Come on, little ones, you can do it." He said coaxingly.

Then, the stone began to crack on the girl's body. Her eyes lit up into a red color. Then she roared a baby female roar as she awoke on her own for the first time. Brook was proud of her. "Good job, Juno. Now your brother needs to wake up." He smiled. He hoped Kenzo would wake up too.

It took a few moments longer, but Kenzo's body began to wake up too. His eyes lit up in white like his father's and he too came out with a snarl. It made Brooklyn smile. "I knew you could do it, little guy."

Brooklyn had a look down at his stomach after that to see how it was. He pushed himself up, then felt some of the discomfort after the surgery. He saw he didn't have his loincloth on, and he saw it over across the room on a seat. He pushed himself up and went over to get it. He put it back on. He wanted it on before his clan came into the room to see the twins, knowing they would be here anytime now.

His stomach still hurt a bit in the lower section after last night's c-section, but the pain was worth it. He felt a big burden off his back now. He would be able to move more easily now. His belly still looked a bit fat and would for a while. He would make sure to keep active to lose the fat over time. Now he could enjoy holding his babies anytime he wanted. He went over and got them out of their bassinets.

Pretty soon, the clan came into the room as they were wanting to see their new clan members and see how Brooklyn was doing.

"Good evening, Brooklyn. Do you feel like you would let us come in and meet the new babies?" Hudson greeted.

"Of course, Hudson. You can all come in and see them." Brook smiled in reply.

The clan all came into the room. Bronx came in too, but the clan would make sure that he was calm before they were shown to him.

"They are just so precious, Brooklyn." Angela declared happily.

"I know." Brook had them both in his arms.

"You look like you're a natural father holding them over there." Lex complimented him.

"Thanks. Now I just wish I had a mate to help share in this joyous occasion." Brook said.

"You'll find one, one day, bro." Broadway stated. "Can we hold them? So they get to know us?"

"Sure, though I know it'll be time to feed them soon."

"How are you feeling tonight, lad?" Hudson asked.

"A bit sore but I'll be fine." Brook replied. Then he looked at Goliath. "So, how soon do I resume patrol duties?"

"Given you haven't been fighting for a few months, you are going to go through a trial of relearning all your fighting skills, Brooklyn, before you are allowed to go out on patrols again. All the females go through this after they lay their eggs too. I know you're not female, but you went through a similar process from this." Goliath decreed.

"I know, and okay." Brooklyn agreed.

"You can rest and recuperate for a few nights. I know your body is going to be going through some big changes right now since it's now getting used to its pre-pregnancy feeling again, and you have some weight to lose." Goliath decreed.

"Not to mention his emotional state of being too, Goliath." Fox added as she and David came into the room too. "We wanted to see the new babies too." Fox also had Alex in her hands. Owen was also accompanying them.

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