Part 18: New Friends and Rimuru's Return

315 15 12

' ' - Thinking
" " - Talking
< > - Skills
{ } - Skills Talking
[ ] - Telepathically
<< >> - Voice of the World


Previous Chapter...

I thought it was finally over until Demon Lord Ariel looked towards me with a dangerous and murderous intent on her eyes.

Flinching, I thought on why is she looking at me like that.

Before I could think any further she suddenly said, "Well, what do we have here?" She smirked sinisterly at me and I felt a shiver down my spine looking at her eyes.

Oh boy...


Tension filled the air that made Frost, Merazophis, and Sophia freeze in their spot.

Demon Lord Ariel is looking directly at Shiraori with a pique of interest and mischief while Shiraori is looking back at her with a calm and composed look but inside her mind was a total mess.

'What should I do? If she chooses to fight me, I can't possibly win against her. Much less, Frost and the two vampires are still here, I need to protect them at any cost.' She observed the Demon Lord's movements, trying to gauge her if she will move or not.

Ariel seemed to sense how tense Shiraori is as she lets out a chuckle. For some reason, Shiraori can feel a sense of familiarity towards the Demon Lord, even though she haven't met her before.

'Great Knowledge, who exactly is this Demon Lord Ariel? And why do I feel like I have some sort of connection with her?'

{Notice. Demon Lord Ariel is the Progenitor of all spider species, every species related to spiders has a connection towards her. She also is also a Divine Beast; hence why you feel a sense of familiarity.} Great Knowledge shared.

'I see...thanks for the info, partner!' Shiraori internally thank her partner once again.

{Hai. It was nothing, master.}

"You know, you're quite be able to hide your aura completely.." Shiraori narrows her eyes slightly at the Demon Lord.

"I can't shake the sense that you're like a Divine Beast, yet my gut tells me you're unlike them entirely." Demon Lord Ariel smirks and moves slowly towards Shiraori with a smile.

"Nonetheless, if you are a Divine Beast then I can't simply attack nor kill you without reasons; after all, the others might become hostile towards me." She chuckled as she stopped right infront of Shiraori.

Shiraori looked calm but she was on high alert and on guard, not wanting to lower her guard for a moment with the Demon Lord.

"Tell you what, what about we form an alliance?" The statement not only shocked Shiraori but also dumped her at the sudden proposal.

"An alliance?" The Demon Lord nodded and explained, "Since I, too, am a Divine Beast and we Divine Beasts have been helping each other out for millenniums, I figured we should form an alliance so that we can help each other out in the future. When your village expands, we will discuss further matters into this but for now, seeing as your a newly-evolved Divine Beast, I will leave you alone for awhile."

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