Part 20: Greater Spirit of Fire, Ifrit

221 5 2

  ' ' - Thinking
" " - Talking
< > - Skills
{ } - Skills Talking
[ ] - Telepathically
<< >> - Voice of the World


Two days has passed since we met the group of Kaval and currently I am making a weapon; specifically a scythe made from my own spider scythe-like limbs and with the help of Kaijin

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Two days has passed since we met the group of Kaval and currently I am making a weapon; specifically a scythe made from my own spider scythe-like limbs and with the help of Kaijin.

"There, your scythe is finally finished Lady Shiraori, here try it." Kaijin lend me the scythe as I hold it in my hands.

I observed it and was satisfied with the forge but I still need to add a few more adjustments to this and then it will be complete.

I smiled and then turned to Kaijin, "You never seem to fail me, thank you Kaijin." He just scratch the back of his head while sheepishly smiling, "No problem Lady Shiraori."

After that I teleported out there and into the Labyrinth. I then looked at the scythe in my hands before using <Gluttonous> on it before I started modifying it to my hearts' content.

I first infuse it with Rot, Fire, Ice, and Dark magic attributes. Then <Great Knowledge> applied an automatic repair properties so that way it can repair itself as long as the user has magicules.

Afterwards I went and look for some monsters to test it out but rather encountering some monsters, I found myself spying on a group of adventurers.

They seem quite strong and in fact, they look to be merciless mercenaries.

As I continue to observe them, I can't help but notice the cage that they are pulling with. Using <Clairvoyance>, I checked on what they are keeping inside and what I saw, enraged me.

There sitting alone inside the cage was a young girl who has violet hair and grey eyes. She was wearing nothing but rags and her body was covered in bruises everywhere. She was also wearing a purple hat that wizards typically wear.

I was disgusted and angry but before I can do any action, I must observe what kind of opponents I'm fighting. They were 20 people in total. 

Upon observing the group more and watch them face a few monsters, I didn't notice anyone from the group that will pose a problem to me, so after they killed a bunch of Basilisk, I showed myself.

Almost immediately, they put their guard up but upon seeing me, they had disgusting smirks on their faces that I can't wait to wipe off their faces.

"Well, well, what do we have here? Why is such a beautiful and young lady like you doing here, miss?" I wonder what reactions they will have if they see my spider body.

"Say what do you say and come have fun with us? We'll surely make you fe-" Before he can finish what he wanted to say, I pulled out my scythe from my <Spatial Storage> and with a single swing of my scythe, I decapitated him in no time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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