Part 19: The Conqueror of Flames

247 8 6

' ' - Thinking
" " - Talking
< > - Skills
{ } - Skills Talking
[ ] - Telepathically
<< >> - Voice of the World


A few weeks had past since I returned from Dwargon with Kaijin and the other dwarves

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A few weeks had past since I returned from Dwargon with Kaijin and the other dwarves.

Thanks to Kaijin and the three dwarf brothers, our village is continuing to progress smoothly without any problems.

We have the blacksmith, Kaijin and his expert smithing skills. He is the one in charge of our weaponry and currently he is teaching some hobgoblins how to smith and forge weapons.

Next we have the eldest of the dwarf brothers, Garm, our armor smith.

Then we have the middle brother Dord, whose craftsmanship is the finest among all dwarves.

And the youngest, Myrd, whose skill with hid hands makes him an expert in architecture and the arts.

With their guidance, our village is rapidly progressing.

While me and Ranga are walking into the village, I spotted Gobta trying to teach some hobgoblins how to summon their Tempest wolves.

After I nearly left Gobta back in Dwargon, he prayed with all his might and was able to summon his wolf. After that, he escaped prison and reunited with us safely.

'I guess that boy can do anything when he really tries'. I thought when I heard footsteps behind me.

"You can't deny that he has potential." I turned my head to see Shiraori and Frost walking towards me and Ranga.

"Yeah." We both watch as he tried to explain how to summon their Tempest wolves, poorly.

"Though, he's not the greatest teacher, though." So we our opinions of him went neutral.

"By the way Rimuru, since I now got an upper human body, I can finally taste things!!" She exclaimed making me look at her with jealousy.

"Good for you I guess..." I mumbled under my breath and I can literally see her staring at me with a smug face.

"Aww..don't be so down Rimuru, I'm sure you'll get your own human form soon." She said but I still refused to look at her as I continue to pout.

She sighed before picking me up from Ranga making me press up against her chest, making shocked and happy at the same time! Who needs a human body when I can enjoy this bliss! I don't mind being in this from forever!

I suddenly remembered a question that I am meaning to ask Shiraori for a long time.

"Hey Shiraori." She lets out a hum, "What is it?"

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