Chapter 14

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Tine stepped off the plane and onto the sunbaked tarmac. The humid air was a welcome change from the dry Texas climate. He took a deep breath and savored the smell of home.

As he walked through the airport, Tine couldn't help but smile. It had been five years since he had last been in Bangkok, and the city had changed a lot. The streets were more crowded, the buildings were taller, and the traffic was even worse.

But despite the changes, Bangkok still felt like home. He had missed the hustle and bustle of the city, and the warmth of the people.

He hailed a taxi and gave the driver his address. As the taxi made its way through the city, he couldn't help but think about all the things that had happened since he had left.

He had graduated from college in Business management and now he had become the PR head of a Billion-dollar company in Thailand. But he had also lost Wat.

Tine had tried to forget about Sarawat, but it was almost impossible. He thought about him every day. He missed his smile, his laugh, and his touch.

Tine knew that he had to move on, but he didn't know how or if he could. He didn't know if he could ever love anyone the way he had loved Wat.

The cab pulled up to his apartment building. Tine thanked the driver and got out. He took a deep breath and walked inside.

The apartment was big and comfortable. he put his luggage down and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and looked inside. It was empty.

Tine sighed. He had forgotten to buy groceries. He would have to go out and get some.

He put on his shoes and walked out the door. As he walked down the street, Tine couldn't help but notice that the city was even more crowded than he had remembered. There were people everywhere, and the traffic was even worse.

Tine made his way to the nearest supermarket. He grabbed a basket and started to fill it with groceries. He bought some bread, some milk, some eggs, and some fruit.

As he was walking through the checkout line, he saw a familiar face. It was Sarawat.

Wat was standing in line behind him. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of blue jeans. His hair was longer than Tine remembered.

Tine's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know what to say.

Sarawat smiled at him. "Hey, Tine," he said. "It's been a while."

Tine just ignored Wat and got out of the store as fast as he could.


Tine was still fuming when he reached his apartment. He couldn't believe Wat had the audacity to talk to him after what he had done. 

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