Chapter 19

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(At Vihokratana Ventures)

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(At Vihokratana Ventures)

Tine's phone buzzed with a notification from Tay. Glancing at the message, Tine saw that Tay had called a meeting with both him and Wat in his office. He wasn't sure what it was about, but he had a feeling it had something to do with a project Tay had been talking about for a while.

Tine and Sarawat arrived at Tay's office at the same time. Tay greeted them with a warm smile.

"Hey, guys," Tay said. "So, I've got a new project for you two to work on , together."

Wat and Tine exchanged glances. They were both curious to know what the project was.

"It's a big project," Tay continued. "And it's going to require a lot of overtime from both of you."

Tine groaned inwardly. He was already swamped with work, and he didn't want to have to spend even more time at the office.

Sarawat, on the other hand, seemed excited by the challenge.

"I'm up for it,"he said with a grin.

Tine rolled his eyes. Of course, Wat was up for it. He always loved a challenge.

"Okay, great," Tay said. "I'm glad you're both on board. I know this is going to be a lot of work, but I think you two can handle it."

Tine wasn't so sure, but he didn't want to say anything to discourage Wat. He knew how much wat wanted to impress Tay.

"We'll give it our best shot," Tine said , flashing a forceful smile.

"I know you will," Tay said. "Now, let's get started."

Tay spent the next hour briefing Tine and Sarawat on the project. It was a complex project, and it was going to require a lot of coordination and communication between them.

Tine and Wat left Tay's office feeling overwhelmed but determined. They knew that this project was going to be a challenge, but they were also excited to have the opportunity to work together again.

As they walked back to Tine's office, Wat put his arm around Tine's shoulder.

Tine stiffened slightly, but he didn't pull away. He wasn't sure what to make of Wat's gesture.

"You okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Tine nodded. "Uhh.....Y-yeah, I'm fine," he said. "Just a little overwhelmed."

"I know what you mean," wat said. "This project is a lot to take on."

"But I think we can do it," Tine said. "As long as we work together."

Sarawat smiled. "Yeahh..... we can do it Tine."

They continued walking to Tine's office, their shoulders brushing against each other. Tine felt a warm flutter in his stomach, and he couldn't help but smile.

That Person Must Be You (SarawatTine)Where stories live. Discover now