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It was good to be home. Finally! I thought as the plane landed. "Yay! Home and pizza!" I cheered standing from my seat.

"You had pizza back in the states." Lilly argued.

"Yes, but I like the pizza here better! Its home pizza."

"If you say so."

"I do. I say so" I laughed.

She was still on crutches after being in the hospital and had managed to get one stuck.

"Issues Lulu?" Calum asked taking them away from her.

"Let's carry her." Ashton suggested.

"Don't you dare! I can manage on my..."

Before she could finish her sentence I already had her on my back. "No you can't! But we can help and there's others waiting so, here we go."

Lilly squealed as I walked off of the plane and into the airport with her on my back. I have to admit had I not had a girl at home I would have gotten her to go out with me instead of Ashton. "You're heavy." I groaned as Ashton helped her down and steadied her with he crutches.

"Shut up!" She laughed.

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I knew airports were crazy for them, but I never expected it to be like that. Cameras flashing, people screaming, and just a lot of noise. Wow, this is crazy. I thought as I maneuvered through the sea of people. Which was harder than it would have normally been, but I was a gimp at the time so I was having a rough time. "Hey, you have my meds in your bag?" I asked Dani as we came to a stop.

"If I don't Ash does. Let me look." She said digging through her bag.

"That's the girl from Ashton's tweet." I heard a girl say and I looked to where the voice came from. She couldn't have been more than about fourteen. She gave me a death glare. Ya know, the looks small children give their parents when they don't get their way? Yeah that look, I felt very uncomfortable in that moment. I looked away as Danielle handed me my pill bottle. "Thanks." I stuffed them in my pocket and moved away from the girl.

"You must be Lilly." I was stopped by a voice.

"Uh, yep, yeah that's me." I smirked.

"Hello dear, I'm Anne. Ashton's Mum. He's told me so much about you." She hugged me careful not to make me lose my balance.

"You waste no time do ya mum?" Ashton said throwing his arms around her after she let me go.

"Not at all! Come on let's get this young lady off that leg."

Ashton agreed and waved bye to all the fans. The others followed us out as their security made sure everyone was safe.

The ride from the airport felt like it took forever. "Anyone have some water?" I asked pulling my pills from my pocket.

"You mean this water?" Luke teased waving the bottle in front of my face. Everyone chuckled as I kept reaching for it and missing the bottle.

"Come on Luke don't be mean to me." I whined as I was long over due for my medicine.

"Now you're going to get all whiny on us!" Calum piped in.

"Don't make me come back there!" I waved my hand behind me hoping to hit him. "I'm tired and in pain. Yes I'm going to whine. If you don't like it I'll tie you to the roof." I snatched the water from Luke popping a couple if pills in my mouth and taking a drink of the water. "That includes you too Luke." I tossed the water back at him hitting him square in the chest.

"You weren't lying either about her attitude." Liz spoke up from the front seat where she was with Ashton's mom.

"That's my sister for you!" Dani said smiling.

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