Chapter One

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Silence is back! I hope you enjoy this updated version and the little extras. I've missed these two.



Most people have heard the phrase 'Silence is golden' and many would agree with it. People with screaming children running wild around the house or working in a noisy office. For me, however, it meant something entirely different. Silence consumed my whole life. It suppressed things I could never express. My silence was responsible for my family's happiness. Silence was my prison.


"Are you ready to leave, Oakley? Cole's waiting outside," Mum said in the soft tone she used for me. She leant against my doorframe and smiled. Through her smile I could see how tired she looked. Dark shadows were now a permanent feature under her eyes dulling blue eyes. Her smile used to be my favourite part of her.

Now it was as false as my own.

And it was all my fault.

Every single day I woke up wanting to tell her what happened. To have her hold me in her arms and promise me that everything would be fine, but reality stopped me every time. The fantasy I had in my head of how things would turn out was just that; a fantasy. I knew that, he'd told me enough times. It wasn't something I could risk.

Placing my hairbrush on the dresser, I turned to Mum and nodded my head once. With a deep breath, I followed her downstairs.

It wasn't until we reached the front door that she looked at me again. "Have a good day, okay?" Almost everything she said to me was turned into a question. As the words left her mouth, her eyes widened in the desperate hope that I would reply, and every time I responded with a brief nod, her shoulders would sag. She still tried all the time.

I grabbed my school bag by the door and swung it over my shoulder as I walked outside.

The morning sun beamed down on me as I turned into the street, making me squint at the brightness. It was July, and almost time for school to close for the summer holidays. I couldn't wait. Two days.

Cole beeped his car horn even though he was parked right outside my house. Thanks, Cole, might have missed you without that. He grinned through the window as I made my way to his car; his dark blue eyes glistened in the early light.

Cole Benson and I had been friends since we were babies. Mum has pictures of Cole holding my hand as I learned to walk. He was two years older than me, but he certainly didn't act like it. My mum, Sarah, and his mum, Jenna, met in high school and had been friends ever since.

"Good morning, sunshine," he greeted with a wide grin. Unlike Mum's, the smiles I received from Cole never changed. Grinning back was as natural as breathing. His happiness was infectious. Our friendship had always been fun, affectionate, loving, and carefree. He accepted me for who I am now.

It wasn't always a bed of roses, though. There were times when Cole would beg and plead with me to tell him what was wrong, why I didn't speak. I found it harder than when Mum did the same. He was the one person who I could still feel normal with.

I hated hurting him.

He flicked his messy hair out of his eyes and started the engine. His rusty old car roared to life. It hadn't been long since he passed his driving test, but he was a good driver and I trusted him with my life. Still, I gripped the seat as he sped off. I hated school with a passion and in just a few short minutes we'd be there.

Cole talked almost continuously on the drive, chatting away about his car and what we'd do later. Occasionally, I would nod or smile in response to something he said, but apart from that I just sat and listened to him speaking. His voice was smooth and calming. Not talking to him was hard. I desperately wanted to return his quick banter with something smart of my own. But I stayed tongue-tied.

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