Chapter Twenty-Nine

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On a sigh, I picked out my uniform and started getting dressed. Today was the first day back at school. Not only was it going to be a bad day, but in the evening, Mum's friend was coming over for dinner. She just so happened to be a psychiatric doctor.

I wasn't buying the 'coincidence' at all.

She's trying to fix you. No one can fix you.

A good psychiatric doctor will know you can still talk. Then, they all will.

I won't let them. I won't let them.

With shaking hands, I put on the black trousers.

It's okay. Even if they know you can talk it doesn't mean you have to.

I'm in control of that.

No, you're not. He is.

Mum was trying a casual since I refused to go to back to any doctor surgery. I understood how desperate she was to help me, but what she felt now was nothing compared to how she'd feel if she found out the truth.

Once I was dressed and my hair was brushed, I crept downstairs to get some breakfast. Mum was still in her room, and I didn't fancy a conversation with her until the last minute.

"You ready for today?" Cole asked, making me jump at how close he was. I was on the bottom step so at least he'd waited until I couldn't fall down them all to scare me.

I turned my nose up and nodded, resisting the urge to get back in bed and pretend I was ill. I'd never be ready for it, but I had little choice in the matter. There was just one more year to get through.

"It's going to be okay. If Julian says or does anything come and get me. I'll meet you at break and give you my timetable so you'll know where I'll be if you need me."

I rolled my eyes gave him a look, feeling like a helpless little child who couldn't stand up for herself. I knew he only wanted to protect me, but I couldn't help feeling like his little sister when he did.

Cole grabbed my hand and spun me around so I was facing him again when I turned away.

"You can chuck it in your bag and never look at it if you want. Just take it. For me?" He pleaded, widening his eyes. It wasn't often that he used that face on me, but it worked. Giving up, I wrapped my arms around his waist again.

"Thank you," he whispered into my hair, sending that familiar shiver right through me.

We managed to stay away from my parents and eat breakfast in peace as they got ready upstairs. No doubt them talking longer was so they could talk about how to handle the visit from the psychiatrist tonight.

Jasper walked in as we were eating our toast. My mouth dropped open. It was before nine. Was he sick? Oh, wait, he's wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"Well, good morning, baby sister," he chirped, ruffling my hair and laughing as I slapped his hand away.

"Good night?" Cole questioned.

Jasper grinned like an idiot and winked in our direction. "A gentleman never tells."

"Gentleman!" Cole scoffed.

Couldn't agree more.

"Anyway, we don't have time for the gruesome details, thankfully. We've got to go." I stood up with Cole and gave Jasper a wave.

"Text me if you need anything," he shouted after me.

On the way to school, I watched the time pass on Cole's dashboard. Wasn't watching it supposed to make it pass slower? The illuminated orange numbers flicked by too quickly. Before I knew it, Cole was reversing the car into a space outside the Sixth Form block.

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