Chapter Twenty-Five

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I felt Oakley's body stiffen under my arms as Sarah stopped the music. Surely, Sarah understood that Oakley hates the spotlight?

In my arms, she squirmed in embarrassment.

"Hello, everyone," Sarah said cheerfully.

Oakley grimaced. Fucking hell. Even Jasper looked at him mum like she'd forgotten which child she was throwing a party for.

"Sorry to interrupt and stop you dancing, but I'll only keep you for a few minutes. I just want to say a few words about my beautiful daughter."

Oakley cringed harder and shrank back into me so she was half-hidden. I felt awkward for her. If I didn't know that taking her away would make thing worse we'd be outside already. She never would do anything she thought would upset her mum.

I was pissed off with Sarah. Gritting my teeth as she started to ramble on about how proud of her daughter they were, I pulled her closer. Oakley was amazing. I couldn't love her any harder if I tried and I'd shout it from every fucking rooftop if I knew she wouldn't absolutely hate it.

Throughout Sarah's longwinded speech, Oakley stared at the floor in discomfort. She didn't dare look up in case she caught someone's eye.

"... So, please say a very big happy sweet sixteen to Oakley. Happy birthday, honey," Sarah cheered, raising her glass. The crowd joined in, with the exception of me, Jasper, Kerry and Ben. We seemed to know her a shit load more than her own mum.

"You okay?" I asked her as soon as Sarah handed the microphone back to the DJ. She nodded, eyes still on the floor. Her cheeks flushed a deep pink in embarrassment. I groaned and grabbed her hand, pulling her through the kitchen and out to the back garden.

We were alone outside, thankfully. "Sorry. You hated that, right?" I stroked her cheek, and she smiled. Finally, she looked up at me and nodded, chewing on her lip. My pulse raced at the loving way she looked at me. Knowing she loved me felt amazing. "Wanna sit out here for a while?"

She didn't answer, but she sat down on the bench beside the fence and sighed. Her bloody mum might have screwed things up in there, but I was determined to make sure she had a good time. Even if that meant we stayed out here for the rest of the night.

We stayed outside for a bit and tried to decide on the best way of telling everyone about us. I was all for the direct approach, but Oakley was much more reserved about it. Of course, her parents would be stricter with us, but I didn't want that to keep us secret. Hiding our relationship any longer felt wrong, like we were doing something we shouldn't.

We had no reason to hide.

I turned her slightly swollen hand over to get a better look at it. Oakley had never hit anyone before in her life. Well, apart from playfully hitting Jasper and me. I was actually extremely proud of her for sticking up for herself, and the fact that that she'd split Julian's was a bonus.

We'll need to talk about her technique, though...

"Did Julian try something on?"

She looked a little taken back at my timing, but not surprised that I asked the question.

"Oakley?" I prompted. She sighed and half-nodded her head but looked a little unsure. He wanted her. I gritted my teeth together.

He'd try his hardest to make her life hell, then he'd try it on.

What the hell is wrong with the bastard?

"I hate the prick." She winced. "Sorry. No fighting, I promise. Think I'll leave that up to you now." She smirked and rolled her eyes. "You okay to go back inside now?" I rubbed her arms, feeling the tiny bumps on her arms. She was cold.

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