Chapter Two

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At lunchtime, I walked to the exit to eat outside the school grounds. It was just easier. As I was about to reach the front door, a manicured hand shot out. I flinched to an abrupt halt.

"Oakley," Laura said with a fake smile. "I'm having a party on Saturday to celebrate the end of the year. You should come. Whatta ya say?" Laura and her friend, Sally, laughed under their breath. How could they still find that funny? Did they ever get bored of their own stupid, pathetic jokes?

I pushed past her, almost running towards the door. The laughing stopped as soon I was outside. I'd had enough of today already and needed to leave. Blinking the tears back, I walked quickly through the car park. How could people hate me so much for doing absolutely nothing wrong?

I swallowed the watermelon-sized lump in my throat and willed myself to not cry. I'd survived much worse, I was stronger than this, and so it frustrated me when their jibes cut.

"Oakley?" Cole's voice called out, brining an instant relief. I turned around to see him jogging towards me, his messy hair blowing across his forehead. I drew on the strength his friendship gave me.

I took a shaky breath and smiled. I was not going to let them make me cry again, and I really didn't want Cole to see me upset either. He strode across the car park and stopped right in front of me.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Cole asked, scanning my face. I nodded, and he arched an eyebrow. "No, you're not. Hold on a minute, I'll come with you and we can talk."

I grabbed his arm as he went to turn away and shook my head. I didn't want him to come with me. He didn't need to be the boy that hung out with the freak girl who didn't talk. I nudged him in the direction of his waiting friends, telling him to go with them. He looked to them for a second before returning to me.

"It's fine. I'd rather come with you," he said.

Great, I'm the loser charity case who needs babysitting.

I shook my head more fiercely and clenched my jaw, hurt and frustrated. Of all the people in the world, I did not want him feeling sorry for me.

I should've just stayed in bed today.

Cole gave a mock-exasperated sigh, his eyes tightening a little. "Either I'm coming with you, or you're sitting with us. It's up to you." He folded his arms over his chest, challenging me.

"Cole, you coming or not?" His friend, Ben, shouted. I'd met Ben a few times before but only in passing when Cole was walking to his car with him.

"Come on, babe. I'm hungry," some girl called.

Babe? Babe!

Cole mumbled something under his breath, but I couldn't make out what he'd said. Who was she? Was she his girlfriend? She couldn't be. He would have definitely told me something like that. But why was some skank calling him babe?

I felt like my heart was being squished. I didn't want them to be together.

Perfect, now I'm jealous. All I need now is for a dog to come pee up me leg and make this the best day ever.

The thought of him being with someone made me feel sick. And, uncharacteristically, want to gouge the girl's eyes out.

"I'm going with Oakley," he shouted back. I slapped his chest and pushed him again, which only made him laugh. Why won't you leave! "Eating with us it is." He smirked, grabbing my hand and pulled me along with him.

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