Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up to the bed dipping, stirring me out of sleep.

"Sorry," Cole whispered. "It's almost six, so I thought I should go. I'll come back in a couple hours and we can go to breakfast."

He bent down and kissed me lightly, his lips lingering on mine for a few seconds. Then I watched him creep out of my room with the hope he would stay again tonight. Waking up in the morning with him felt incredible. He seemed to unconsciously know how far to push me to get me to open up further and let him in.

There was absolutely no way I could get back to sleep now. I got up, had a long shower and dressed in my room since I was alone now. Opening the double doors, I stepped onto the small balcony and sat down on the only seat that'd fit. It was very peaceful so early. Only a few people were milling about the resort. One couple, probably about my parents age, sat at the bar drinking cocktails. It wasn't even 7am yet.

My parents' balcony door slid open. We were separated by the railing so they couldn't get to my room from here. I bit my lip and looked over as Dad stepped out, dressed in shorts and a short sleeve shirt.

He looked over and saw me immediately. "Good morning," he said. "Did you and Cole have a nice time yesterday?"

I nodded and felt my body hunch in the seat.

"Remember I want you both back for dinner each night. No exceptions, you're still a child."

No, I'm not.

I lift the corner of my mouth. Neither of us would skip on dinner anyway, we knew if we did that'd be the end of the freedom.

"Good. I think your mum's waking up. We'll see you for breakfast soon."

He went back inside, and I could breathe again.

Just after eight, almost right on time, there was a knock on my door. Cole smiled as I opened the door. "Hi." He stepped forward and planted a quick kiss on my lips. "Ready to go down?"

I nodded and stepped out of my room just as Mum and Dad walked out of theirs. "Morning, honey, Cole," Mum said and gave me a hug.

"Hungry?" Dad asked.

"Starving," Cole replied and nodded towards the lift at the end of the corridor. "You seen anyone else this morning?"

Dad shook his head. "Sarah's just got off the phone to your mum, and they were on their way down for breakfast. We'll meet them down there. I've not heard from Mia, and I'd imagine Jasper's is...elsewhere."

In some poor girl's room, I imagine.

I stepped closer to Cole as we walked to the lift and waited for it to arrive.

"What do you have planned today? Your father and I are going shopping with David and Jenna," Mum had asked me but waited for the reply from Cole.

"We're diving this morning."

I raised my eyebrow at him. He wasn't going to tell them about our spa afternoon. He probably wouldn't ever tell anyone.

"Is it safe?" Mum questioned, frowning with worry.

Dad chuckled. "Of course, it is, Sarah. There's a qualified instructor, isn't there?" Cole nodded. "See. They'll be in safe hands. There's plenty to do, and with the exception of clubbing, we did agree that Oakley could do what she liked."

I often wondered if Dad was cool about things like this because he felt guilty. I had to believe he felt remorse for what he had let Frank do to me. I couldn't believe that my daddy was a cold, heartless monster.

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