Chapter Thirty-One

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The next day I was unbelievably happy. Cole sneaking over was amazing. We'd just had a BBQ dinner and then gone up to my room after. Jasper sat down on the end of my bed, and I sighed.

Last night I'd heard him come home in the early hours – not too long after Cole snuck out. I nudged Cole lightly, prompting him to ask. "Ouch," Cole shouted dramatically.

"Oakley, stop beating up your girlfriend," Jasper teased.

I grinned and pushed myself up to face Jasper. I wanted answers. Cole rolled his eyes and sat up, pulling me onto his lap. "She wants to know what happened with Abby," Cole said bluntly.

I gave him a flat look; he was supposed to do that a little more tactfully.

Jasper frowned and looked... shy? No way.

"Of course she does. Look, I don't even know myself," he admitted. "She wants to get back together. Part of me wants that... I don't know if I can trust her."

I couldn't blame him for that. I doubt I'd be able to trust someone after they let me down.

I don't trust Dad anymore.

"What did she say? Did she explain?" Cole asked.

Jasper nodded for a long time, lost in his own thoughts. "Yeah," he finally said. "She told me that after our argument, she went to the party and drank too much. She was hurt, angry and just wanted to get wasted with her friends. She ended up in his room. They... well, you know the rest."

He looked down, his face twisted in pain as he remembered back to that time. "I keep thinking that maybe we can try again, but is there really any point if I'm constantly thinking she's shagging someone else?"

I shook my head. Jasper's happiness meant a lot to me, but she hurt him a lot and I wasn't convinced that they'd work.

"You just hate her," Jasper said. I hated her less than I did since she apologised and explained, but I could still remember how heartbroken he was. I'd never forgive her for hurting him so badly.

He shrugged. "In the end we decided to try and be friends. We'll see if anything can happen in the future. I don't know if we'll even be able to be friends or not, but I don't want to be angry anymore. You know what I mean?"

I knew exactly what he meant. That's why I was letting Julian into my life. Well, sort of letting him in. If he spoke to me I'd be civil, but I certainly wasn't ready to be besties or even trust him.

"Anyway, I'm not sitting around here moping all day. I have a date with a cute little brunette tonight. Later," he called, looking over his shoulder as he walked out of my room.

I grinned. Jasper's back.

"Your brother's a weirdo, babe." Cole laughed, shaking his head. He was weird, but he was still the best brother ever.

Cole pushed me down on the bed, taking me by surprise, and peppered little kisses across my cheek and along my jaw. I wrapped my arms around his back and closed my eyes. That felt so good.

Pulling away with a triumphant smile, he arched his eyebrow. "You're getting carried away and it's making me get carried away. We're not alone, remember?" He blew out a breath that made his hair kick up. "I'm gonna sit arms length away and we'll watch TV," he said.

I loved that I affected him so much he had to sit where he couldn't touch me to stop him from pouncing. He made me feel amazing.

Shortly after Cole left with his family, Dad knocked on my half-open door. I nodded for him to come in, not that he wouldn't anyway. I pushed myself up and pressed my back against the wall as he sat down on my bed.

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