Chapter 3 Haru

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Haru was a tall, quiet boy with dark hair that fell over his forehead effortlessly. He didn't seek attention, but there was something about him that made people notice.

He had this calmness about him, like nothing could ruffle his feathers. But deep down, he was fiercely loyal to those he cared about, and he stood up for what he believed was right, even if it meant going against the crowd.

What really stood out about Haru was his kindness. He had a way of seeing the good in people, even when others couldn't. That's why he stepped in to help Yuki when she was being bullied in the cafeteria.

But Haru had his own struggles too. He faced challenges just like everyone else, but he never let them get the best of him. Instead, he faced them head-on, and that made him even stronger.

In the bustling cafeteria, Haru's eyes scanned the room, his gaze drawn to Yuki sitting alone in a corner. She seemed lost in her own world, her posture slumped, and her lunch forgotten.

His attention was soon diverted by a group of girls approaching Yuki's table. Their voices were sharp, filled with mockery and cruelty. Haru's heart clenched as he listened to their taunts, each word a dagger aimed at Yuki's fragile sense of self.

Without a second thought, Haru made his way towards them, his footsteps determined. He couldn't bear to see Yuki being bullied, not when he had the power to do something about it.

"Hey, why don't you all just leave her alone?" Haru's voice cut through the din of the cafeteria, firm and resolute.

The girls turned to him, their expressions a mixture of surprise and annoyance. Haru met their stares head-on, his own gaze unwavering.

"Bullying isn't cool," he continued, his tone calm but forceful. "Just stop."

For a moment, there was silence as the girls processed his words. Haru held his breath, willing them to listen, to understand.

Finally, the girls muttered something amongst themselves before begrudgingly backing off, their laughter fading into the background. Haru watched them go, a sense of relief washing over him.

Turning back to Yuki, he offered her a small smile, hoping to reassure her that she wasn't alone. And as he walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling of satisfaction that washed over him. He may not have been able to erase all of Yuki's pain, but in that moment, he had made a difference. And for Haru, that was all that mattered.

After the bullies left, Haru approached Yuki cautiously, a mixture of relief and concern washing over him. He could see the hurt in her eyes, the weight of their words bearing down on her fragile shoulders.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Yuki nodded, her expression a mask of resignation. "Yeah, thank you," she replied, her voice barely audible.

Haru pulled out a chair and sat down across from her, his heart heavy with empathy. He knew all too well what it felt like to be on the receiving end of such cruelty, and he couldn't bear to see Yuki suffer in silence.

"Those girls... they can be pretty mean sometimes," he said, his voice tinged with frustration.

Yuki nodded, her gaze fixed on the table in front of her. "Yeah, I'm used to it," she admitted quietly, her words a painful reminder of the battles she fought every day.

Haru reached out and placed a comforting hand on Yuki's shoulder, a silent gesture of solidarity. "Well, you don't have to be. You don't have to face it alone," he said firmly, his voice tinged with determination.

Yuki looked up, meeting Haru's gaze with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. In that moment, Haru saw a flicker of hope in her eyes, a glimmer of resilience that refused to be extinguished.

"Thank you," Yuki said softly, her voice filled with emotion.

Haru smiled, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. "Anytime," he replied, his heart swelling with a sense of purpose.

And as they sat there together, the noise of the cafeteria fading into the background, Haru couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over him. In that moment, he knew that he had made a difference, that he had helped someone in need. And for Haru, that was all that mattered.

As the final bell ringed, I made my way through the crowded hallways, my thoughts still lingering on the lunchtime encounter. The memory of Yuki's troubled expression weighed heavily on my mind, driving me to seek her out before the day ended.

Spotting her at her shoe cabinet, I approached with a smile, hoping to offer some semblance of comfort. "Hey, Yuki," I greeted, my voice soft and friendly.

Yuki glanced up, a tentative smile gracing her lips. "Oh, hi, Haru," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of relief.

"How are you doing?" I inquired, my concern evident in my tone.

Yuki's smile wavered slightly, and I could see the exhaustion etched in the lines of her face. "I'm okay, I guess. Thanks for what you did earlier," she said, her gratitude palpable.

I waved off her thanks, wanting her to understand that I was there for her, no matter what. "Don't mention it, Yuki. I meant what I said—I'm here for you whenever you need someone to talk to," I assured her, meeting her gaze with unwavering support

As Yuki's eyes welled up with tears, I felt a pang of empathy wash over me. I reached out, gently resting a hand on her shoulder, offering what little comfort I could.

"Don't worry about it, Yuki," I said softly, my voice infused with sincerity. "I meant what I said—I'm here for you whenever you need someone to talk to."

Yuki's tears spilled over, her emotions raw and unfiltered. "Thank you, Haru," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion.

In that moment, I realized the depth of our connection, the unspoken bond that had formed between us. And as Yuki leaned into my touch, seeking solace in my presence, I knew that no matter what lay ahead, we would face it together, as friends or anything else.


sooooo!!!! another chapter is here well haru is really a sweet guy isn't he?

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