Chapter 4 Yuki

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As Yuki pushed open the front door, exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders, but she knew there was little reprieve waiting inside. The warmth of home felt distant, overshadowed by the tension that greeted her.

"Back late again, Yuki," her mother's voice pierced through the air, tinged with disappointment. "When will you start prioritizing your studies?"

Yuki's heart sank at the familiar accusation, her mother's disapproval a painful reminder of her perceived failures. "I'm sorry, Mom," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

Her mother's sigh only deepened the ache in Yuki's chest, the weight of her expectations crushing. "You need to start taking your future seriously," she admonished, her words sharp with frustration.

Yuki's eyes burned with unshed tears as she nodded, the familiar knot of guilt tightening in her stomach. No matter how hard she tried, it never seemed to be enough.

Retreating to her room, Yuki felt the weight of her mother's expectations bearing down on her, suffocating in its intensity. How could she ever find her own path when the road ahead seemed so suffocatingly narrow? 

As Yuki retreated to her room, the door closing softly behind her, she felt the weight of her mother's words pressing down on her chest like a heavy stone. The air in her room felt thick and oppressive, filled with the echoes of countless similar conversations, each one leaving her feeling more defeated than the last.

Dropping her bag by the door, Yuki slumped onto her bed, her body curling in on itself as if trying to protect her fragile heart. She pulled her knees up to her chest, burying her face in them, and allowed the tears that had been threatening to spill all day to finally break free.

"Why can't I just be good enough?" she whispered to herself, the sound barely audible in the stillness of her room. It was a question she had asked herself countless times, but the answer always seemed just out of reach.

The events of the day played over in her mind like a torturous film reel: the cruel laughter of her classmates, the look of disdain in their eyes, and the unrelenting pressure from her mother. It was all too much, and she felt as though she was being pulled under by a relentless tide of hopelessness.

Her phone buzzed on the nightstand, breaking the silence. She glanced at it, her heart giving a small leap of unexpected hope. It was a message from Haru. His simple words brought a slight warmth to her cold, despairing heart: "Hey, Yuki. Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. Remember, I'm here if you need to talk.

For a moment, Yuki hesitated, her fingers hovering over the screen. Part of her wanted to retreat further into her shell, to shut out the world entirely. But another part of her, the part that still clung to a sliver of hope, knew that reaching out to Haru could be a lifeline.

With a deep, shaky breath, she typed out a reply: "Thanks, Haru. It's been a rough day. Can we talk?"

His response was immediate, as if he had been waiting for her. "Of course. Do you want to meet up or just chat here?"

Yuki considered for a moment, then replied, "Let's just chat here for now. I don't really feel like going out."

Haru's response came quickly. "Sure thing. I'm here for you."

Yuki felt a wave of relief wash over her. Even without sharing the full extent of her troubles, just knowing that someone cared enough to listen was a comfort. She took a deep breath and began typing, her fingers moving hesitantly over the screen.

"Thanks, Haru. I just need to talk about something else for a bit," she wrote, her words carefully chosen.

"Of course," Haru replied. "How about we talk about something fun? Have you read any good books lately?"

Yuki's heart warmed at his words, the tight knot of anxiety in her chest loosening slightly. She hesitated, then typed out the next message. "Yeah, I actually started reading 'Before the Coffee Gets Cold.' Have you heard of it?"

"I love that book!" Haru responded enthusiastically. "The way it handles time travel and human emotions is just beautiful. What's your favorite part so far?"

Yuki felt a small smile tug at her lips. "I really like the story about the woman who wanted to meet her husband one last time. It was so touching."

"That one is heartbreaking," Haru agreed. "The way it shows the complexities of love and loss is amazing. Do you have a favorite character?"

"Probably Kazu. She's so mysterious and calm," Yuki replied, feeling a bit more at ease as they delved into the world of the book.

"Yeah, Kazu's character is fascinating. Have you ever thought about which moment in your life you would revisit if you had the chance?"

Yuki paused, thinking about the question. "Maybe my childhood, before things got complicated. Or a time when I felt genuinely happy."

Haru's next message came quickly. "That's a good choice. Sometimes, those moments can remind us of who we are at our core. What about the future? Any dreams or plans?"

Yuki's heart fluttered at the thought. "I've always wanted to be an artist. To create pieces that move people, that make them feel something deep inside."

"You'd be an amazing artist," Haru responded with conviction. "You have such a unique perspective and talent. I'd love to see your work someday."

Yuki felt a surge of gratitude and warmth. "Thanks, Haru. That means a lot coming from you."

"Anytime, Yuki. You've got so much potential. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."

For the next hour, they exchanged messages, moving from books to hobbies, and then to their dreams for the future. Haru's easygoing nature and supportive words made Yuki feel less alone.

"Hey, Haru," Yuki typed, feeling a bit more courageous. "Do you have any dreams for the future?"

"Yeah, I do," Haru replied. "I want to travel the world someday. See new places, meet new people. What about you, Yuki?"

"I've always wanted to create art that resonates with people," she confessed. "To make them feel seen and understood through my work."

"And you will," Haru responded with conviction. "You have a gift, Yuki. Don't ever doubt that."

As their conversation drew to a close, Haru sent one final message. "Remember, Yuki, you're stronger than you think. And if you ever need a friend, I'm here."

"Thank you, Haru," Yuki replied, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "I really appreciate it."

After their conversation, Yuki felt lighter, the oppressive weight of her earlier despair somewhat lifted. She lay back on her bed, staring at the ceiling, her thoughts a bit clearer, her heart a bit calmer.

Though the challenges she faced were still daunting, Yuki felt a renewed sense of strength. She didn't have to bear the burden alone. With friends like Haru by her side, she began to believe that she could navigate the turbulent waters of her life.

As she closed her eyes, Yuki allowed herself to dream of a future where the shadows of doubt and fear no longer loomed so large. Haru's friendship had ignited a small but bright spark of hope within her, one that she was determined to nurture and protect.

Tomorrow would bring its own battles, but for now, Yuki felt a semblance of peace. And with that, she drifted off to sleep, her dreams filled with the promise of brighter days ahead.


Hi guys, here I am with the new update. 

I know ,I was late to make an update as I get a little busy with my life but their will be a regular update. 

thank you for supporting till now and I hope in the future too.

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