Chapter 5 Yuki

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Yuki came to school sad as ever. The weight of her mother's harsh words still hung over her like a dark cloud. She walked to her shoe cabinet, her heart heavy with anticipation and dread. Opening it, she half expected to find another cruel note or some nasty prank waiting for her.

But today, something was different. Nestled among her shoes was a small envelope. Her heart skipped a beat as she picked it up, her fingers trembling slightly. With a mix of curiosity and fear, she opened the envelope. Inside, she found a delicate painting of a cherry blossom tree in full bloom. The vibrant pink petals seemed to dance on the paper, bringing a touch of beauty to her otherwise dreary morning. Attached to the painting was a note, written in Haru's familiar handwriting

"Yuki, I painted this for you. I hope it brings a little bit of brightness to your day. You're not alone, okay? - Haru"

A warm, gentle feeling spread through Yuki's chest, momentarily lifting the heavy burden of her daily struggles. Haru's simple act of kindness was like a ray of sunshine piercing through the dark clouds of her life. She carefully tucked the painting and the note back into the envelope and slipped it into her bag, cherishing the small piece of solace it brought her.

With a lighter heart, Yuki made her way to her classroom. The usual whispers and sidelong glances followed her, but today, they felt a little less oppressive. When she entered the classroom, she immediately spotted Haru, who was already at his desk, waving at her with a bright smile.

"Good morning, Yuki!" he called out cheerfully.

Yuki walked over to him, her own smile forming despite the lingering sadness in her heart. "Good morning, Haru. Thank you for the painting. It's beautiful."

Haru's smile widened. "I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to do something to make you smile."

"You succeeded," Yuki replied, her voice soft with gratitude. "It really did brighten my day."

As the morning classes went by, Yuki found herself glancing over at Haruto more often than she meant to. His presence was calming, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions she usually navigated through each school day.

At lunchtime, Yuki went to her usual secluded spot outside, but this time, she found Haru waiting for her.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, holding his lunch tray.

Yuki hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Sure."

They sat together, eating in a comfortable silence at first. Yuki was still cautious, not entirely sure why Haru was being so kind to her, but she couldn't deny that his company made her feel a bit less lonely.

"So," Haru began, breaking the silence, "what do you usually do during lunch?"

"Just... sit here and eat," Yuki replied, not wanting to delve into the truth of her solitary lunches

Haru nodded, as if he understood. "Well, maybe we can make it a tradition to sit together. I think it's nicer to have someone to eat with."

Yuki glanced at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. "Yeah, maybe," she agreed quietly.

Haru smiled, sensing her hesitation. "You know, Yuki, I've noticed you're really good at drawing. I saw some of your sketches the other day. They're amazing."

Yuki felt a blush creep up her cheeks. "Thank you. Drawing helps me escape. It's like my own little world."

Haru nodded thoughtfully. "That's really cool. I think everyone needs something like that. For me, it's music. Playing the guitar helps me clear my mind."

Yuki looked at him with genuine interest. "You play the violin? That's impressive. How long have you been playing?"

"A few years now," Haru replied. "It's my way of expressing myself, I guess. Like your drawings."

Yuki found herself relaxing a bit more, the conversation flowing more naturally. "Maybe one day you can play something for me," she suggested, a small smile playing on her lips.

Haru's eyes lit up. "I'd love to. And maybe one day you can show me more of your art."

"Maybe," Yuki said, feeling a strange sense of comfort in his presence.

They continued to talk, sharing small details about their lives and discovering common interests. Haru's easygoing nature and genuine interest in her life made Yuki feel more at ease than she had in a long time.

"So, do you have any favorite places to draw?" Haru asked, leaning back on the bench.

Yuki hesitated, a faraway look in her eyes. "There is one place," she began slowly. "The terrace of the apartment where I used to live when I was younger. It was on the top floor, and you could see the entire city from up there. I spent hours drawing everything I saw—the buildings, the streets, the people. It felt like my own little world."

Haru smiled, sensing the nostalgia in her voice. "That sounds amazing. Do you still go there?"

Yuki shook her head, her expression turning somber. "No, we moved away a few years ago. I haven't been back since."

"Maybe you could visit sometime," Haru suggested gently. "It sounds like a place that brought you a lot of joy."

"Maybe," Yuki replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. She appreciated Haru's suggestion, but the memories of her old home were bittersweet.

Haru smiled warmly. "It's a date then. Well, not a date, but you know what I mean."

Yuki laughed softly, feeling a lightness in her heart she hadn't felt in a long time. "Yeah, I know what you mean.

Haru sensed her reluctance and changed the subject. "Well, if you ever want to find a new favorite spot, I know some great places around town. We could explore together."

Yuki looked at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. "Yeah, maybe," she agreed quietly.

Haru smiled, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "Great. It's a plan."

Their conversation continued, light and easy, and Yuki found herself laughing at Haru's jokes and feeling more at ease with him. Despite her reservations, she was starting to trust him, little by little.

Then ever phone in cafeteria started buzzing............


I know that this chapter is short but it's worth it 

In next chapter you would see Haru's perspective

And thank you for supporting till now .

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