chapter one

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bad news

"and then, the tour guide fell!" you burst into a fit of laughter. "i'm telling you this is literally the perfect school." you add, gushing to your best friend seungmin about the college you planned to attend together. seungmin didn't have time to attend the same tour you did, so you met up with him afterwards and told him all about it. but you couldn't help but notice something was off. he wasn't as interactive as he would normally be, especially when talking about something the two of you planned to do together.

"well did you see the swim room? i know you were excited to see that." seungmin asks, but you could tell he was less than interested in your response. so you decided to make sure you weren't imagining things.

"yeah. even got to swim in it, slept with the swim coach while i was at it." you lie, waiting for a reaction from your words.

"that's nice." seungmin replies, nodding his head nonchalantly as he looks anywhere but at you.

"yeah, we're getting married in june." you cock an eyebrow at him.

"wait— what?" he turns his head to you, confusion written all over his face.

"you're not even listening to me, what's going on?" you cross your arms angrily over your chest.

"i'm listening!" he retorts.

"seungmin, this is our future! you asked me to tell you all about it when i got back, and now that i am, you couldn't care less. seriously, what's up?" you press. you've known him for far too long for him to be able to lie to you. you could see right through him.

"i just... it's complicated." he shakes his head, you knew he didn't want to say anymore, but now you were worried.

"you know you can tell me anything, right?"

"you're going to be mad." you felt shocked at his words, you'd never been mad at him before. you couldn't even think of something he could do to piss you off.

"please talk to me." you place a comforting hand on his thigh, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"i..." he sighs, breaking his gaze from yours. "i didn't... get in..." his voice was quiet, and it was evident that he was disappointed in himself.

"you... when did you find out?" you ask, not able to stop the frown that appeared on your features.

"two months ago..."

"two months? seungmin— why didn't you tell me?"

"i didn't want you to be disappointed..." he shrugs, still not meeting your gaze.

"seungmin, i'm not—"

"don't tell me you're not disappointed. we spent our entire high school career planning this, and i fucked it up." his tone was bitter as he spoke.

"it's not your fault." you shake your head at him, unable to deny the fact that you were disappointed, because the truth is, you were, but not at him.

"doesn't matter whose fault it is, the point is, i'm not going to that school with you." he scoffs.

"well... there's other universities, i'm sure—"

"no. you shouldn't change your plans because of me. i want you to go there. it's your dream school." he cuts you off.

"it's your dream school too." you remind him.

"that doesn't matter anymore." he shrugs.

"well... where are you going to go?" you ask.

"the community college, at least for a few years until i can transfer somewhere." he tells you, a hint of sadness laced in his tone. you knew this wasn't what he wanted. "look, we'll stay in touch. you know that." he comforts, sensing that you were upset too.

"that's what everyone says before they never talk again." you chuckle, looking up at him with sad eyes.

"come on, it's us. the universe is gonna have to try a little bit harder to separate us." he comforts, smiling warmly at you.

"just... promise me we'll talk every day."

"i promise. we'll talk so much i'll start to get on your last nerve." he jokes, lightly shoving your shoulder.

"i hate this." you frown.

"i'm sure it won't be that bad." he comforts, scooting his chair over to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his chest. you lean into him, allowing your eyes to fall closed as you take in a deep breath. his scent of warm honey and coffee fills your nose as you relax.

"i'm really gonna miss you."

"i know. me too." he whispers, pressing his lips to the top of your head. he too was taking in your scent, relaxing at the feeling of you leaning into him, twirling your hair between his fingers as his other arm holds you close.

"what if i just sneak you into my dorm?" you suggest with a small smile, lifting your head from his chest to look at him. seungmin chuckles, rolling his eyes playfully as he gently pushes your head back onto his chest.

and both of your smiles slowly fade away.

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