chapter two

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"okay, all your shoes?"



"got all of them."

"and you grabbed all your panties right—"

"mom!" you scold her, wide eyes as you look between her and seungmin.

"oh hush. everyone wears underwear." your mom rolls her eyes, bending down to pick up a box.

"oh, i got it." seungmin smiles, taking the box from her arms. "this is the last one, right?" he asks.

"yes." you nod, a small smile on your lips as you watch him carry it to your car.

"you're gonna tell him how you feel before you go, right?" your mom's voice fills your ears. she was stood next to you, watching the way you watched seungmin. you slowly shook your head.

"there's no point. we won't see each other. it'll only make things more complicated." you explain. "plus, i don't know if he feels the same." your mom laughs at that.

"i think you should tell him." she says, patting your shoulder before following seungmin out to the car. you turn around, glancing at your barren room as most of your belongings were now in the car. a sigh escapes your lips.

this was it. your life was about to change. moving onto
the campus of your dream school. and the person you wanted to share that change with, you were leaving behind.

"cars packed." seungmin tells you, placing a hand on your shoulder. you jump slightly as you turn around to face him, unable to hide the saddened expression. "hey," he starts, taking your face in his hands. "don't start getting sad already, we still have a four hour drive." he chuckles slightly.

"i'm gonna miss you so much." you pout, despite his words. four hours wasn't nearly long enough for you to say all of the things you wanted to say to him. he lets out a sigh, pulling you into his chest, gently stroking your hair.

"i know, believe me, i'll miss you more." he whispers. "hey," he states suddenly, pulling away from the hug. "let's make a deal."

"i'm listening." you nod, looking up at him expectantly.

"if we get to a point where we just need a break from everything, call me, any time, any day, we'll drop everything and get together. but only when things are too tough to handle." he proposes, the thought filling you with warmth. he was truly the sweetest.

"that sounds like a great plan to me." you nod happily.

"good. now come on, don't want to be late for your orientation. first impressions—"

"are the most important, yeah yeah, i know." you cut him off with a slight chuckle.

"and you have nothing to worry about. if anyone doesn't like you at first glance, they're definitely blind." he flirts, though you'd never take it as flirting. the two of you had always been just friends.

"i'd say the same about you." you smile, gently shoving his shoulder as the two of you fully separate from each others grasp.

"i'm flattered." he jokes bashfully, running a hand through his fluffy hair. you couldn't help but watch the action in awe.

"are you guys coming or am i going to this college by myself?" your mom's voice fills the room as she leans against the door frame, eyes scanning over the two of you. of course she was trying to figure out if your manned up and told him about your feelings, but judging by the sullen look on your face, she assumed you hadn't.

"please, it's only been a few minutes." you scoff jokingly, giving seungmin one last glance before you pass by your mom, heading to the car. your mom meets seungmin's gaze with a raised eyebrow.

"you okay?" she asks him.

"i'm just really happy for her." he tells her, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"me too." she nods. but the two of them stayed put, sharing knowing glances. your mother was fantastic at reading people, and she could sense seungmin's worries from miles away. he was worried the two of you would lose contact, that you would get too busy and forget about him. it was almost inevitable going to a school so far away. "you know, i wouldn't mind if you tagged along any time i head up to see her." your mom offers.

"of course, i'd love to come." he nods, but the uneasiness of his tone was still evident. he wasn't only worries that you'd forget about him. he was also worried that he would forget about you. but... that could never happen.


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