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The twins stood amongst the massive group of mechs and fembots that surrounded a table. Hydro then sat at the head of the table slouching down. Dynamo then dropped the axe of wrath onto said table taking his seat. Everyone went silent.

"The war between autobots and decepticons has brought nothing but ruin into our lives." Hydro started "both of our planets dying due to it." He added. One fembot stood up "how are we gonna do that with a bunch of ragtag cybertronians." She asked "by serving divine justice." Hydro stated.

"We all know how the underground scene was we were apart of it!" Hydro added "this group here is the most unpredictable group of bots!" E brake said.

He then stood up "together we will bring freedom and justice to our people!" He said then raised a fist "for Velocitron!" He shouted.

"FOR VELOCITRON!" The bots screamed and cheered.

Autobot base

Torque sighed with E brakes old group of comrades "this sucks man." Sunstreaker stated "yep." Torque said. Optimus on the other hand stood beside Ultra Magnus as the star saber glowed. Optimus stared into the blade "what's wrong?" Ultra Magnus asked "he has possession of the matrix of justice." Optimus stated.

"You don't think?" Ultra Magnus asked "he knows."

With the twins

The new revolution sat in a massive cargo jet waiting. E brake now wore a silver and blue color scheme "really bmw?" Dynamo asked looking at the new manufacturer emblem and design.

"Couldn't help myself with one final change in design

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"Couldn't help myself with one final change in design." E brake stated. He then looked at his radar seeing the Nemesis pop up "alright people let's do this." He said. On cue the door opened. E brake looked down seeing the Nemesis going up "time to lay some hate." He said battlemask coming down as he and his team of bots jumped out.

E brake and dynamo transformed into jet mode opening fire upon the nemesis as their group of cybertronians landed on the ship. The rebels fired at the oncoming Decepticon's. E brake and dynamo then transformed landing beside their comrades.

Inside the Nemesis

Starscream ran to Megatron's side "Lord Megatron!" He yelled. Megatron rolled his optics "what starscream?" He questioned. Starscream jumped at the reaction "E brake and Dynamo are here attacking!" Starscream stated.

"So? They can't-!" Megatron said "they have an army onboard!" Starscream interrupted. Megatron scowled "you've failed me yet again starscream....GET THEM!" Megatron commanded.

With the twins

They took out cons left right and center "move in!" Hydro commanded. All the rebels ran into the nemesis as it entered space. Hydro looked at his wrists. Then the sound of a ground bridge was heard opening "Prime..." he said. He looked to Dynamo "you and others split into groups." Hydro stated grabbing the red starsaber "what are you going to do?" Deadend asked.

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