He lives

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The autobots watched as E brake fell to the ground "no!" Arcee shouted then ran towards the mech along with the other autobots. Arcee slid down beside the mech and flipped him over to his back seeing his colorless optics as his chassis became grey.

"Ratchet open a groundbridge now!"

Autobot base

Ratchet, blurr, Moonracer, override and the humans watched as Bulk ran in carrying E brakes lifeless body "By Primus get him to the table stat!" Ratchet said running towards the med bay. The other autobots came in soon after rushing towards the med bay Arcee being in front.

"Moonracer we need to try restart his spark!" Ratchet stated hooking red energon up to the mech. Moonracer got defibrillators ready "clear, 1 2 3!" Moonracer said then shocked the mech causing the mechs chassis to come up but no sign of life was there "do it again!" Bulkhead said. Moonracer repeated but still no life was shown.

She looked down in disappointment before leaving "no..." Arcee said then went by E brakes side "He can't be dead...right?" Raf said tearing up "Optimus surely there's something you's can do? Anything?" Jack asked to which the prime stayed silent.

"E listen to me I love you...and I need you...please...please come back to me! E I love you!" Arcee cried burying her faceplate in the mechs chassis.


E brake stood by the pits "man frag this I can't get any faster with this scrap!" He said throwing a canister across the pits "what happened out there firecracker?" A mech laughed. E brakes neck snapped to the direction of the voice seeing a mech smirking.

"Frag off turbo." E brake said coldly about to walk away "someone like you should retire early we don't need someone like you taking up track space." Turbo commented.

E brakes optic twitched "E don't listen to him." Nautica said. E brake then collared the mech "E relax you still need to race." Nautica said. E brake got closer to the mechs helm "I'm calm I'm barely touching him, I'm barely touching him." He stated. E brake then let go of the mech "let's see what you can do then." E brake stated.

The two mechs eyed each other out before transforming lining up at the start. Their engines revved E brakes overpowering the sound of turbos.

The lights went green and the two raced off. E brake let torque in front and just chased him from close behind. Turbo started to pull away from E brake "no!" E brake said then gained speed. Just then the track was ripped away and E brake stood in darkness.

"Hello?" He asked "we have been waiting." A voice said. E brake looked over to see himself "what is this?" E brake asked. The other E brake stepped out with other E brakes all having the same faceplate but colors and general body was different.

"What the frag is going on?!?" E brake asked "we have been watching you two....well us but you know what I mean." The one with goggles said lifting the goggles to his forehead looking at the two E brakes.

"Ha we could barely call these two us the glitch separated himself into two to deal with his scrap!" The knight looking mech said sitting down on his throne "the frag you say to me?" The new E brake asked "you split yourself into to separate personalities and now you're trying to overwrite each other." The knight E brake said.

"Prime relax." The older and mature E brake said stepping forward "what is this?" The original asked. The knight sat up "this is the day you's become one again." He stated "ha I'd like to see you try!" The second said "you dare test me boy!" The knight said pointing his sword at the mech while the second smirked at the reaction.

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