The Suicidal Alpha

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bungo Stray Dogs

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bungo Stray Dogs

Naruto felt irritated as he comes out of his tent his eye twitching a bit. He was wearing a white short sleeved shirt and some shorts his necklace laid around his neck he was holding a toothbrush, he was a young man around 17 years old with golden blond spiky hair as he looked feminine and cute as he had soft tan skin and beautiful blue eyes and adorable whisker like birth marks on his cheeks.

The reason why he was so irritated was because earlier in a small village Naruto ends up getting approached an alpha who made a comment about since he was an omega he should think about settling down with an alpha and start making babies and then he put his hand on his butt and squeezed it and "offered" to take him to bed and mate with him.

Naruto ended up showing his refusal by grabbing his male parts and squeezing it so hard he was sure his balls popped. The alpha's pained screams were very satisfying to hear and made him feel better. But in all honesty this wasn't the first time Naruto had heard this stuff before he has heard it his whole life especially since he had found out he was an omega at a young age.

They have always been discrimination towards omegas since they are at the bottom of society, alphas were at the top and betas were in the middle and omegas as always at the bottom and were considered the lowest of society.

In many people mainly the older and traditional generation believed that omegas both male and female only functions and purpose was to make babies like cattle and livestock it didn't matter if an omega was born in a high status family if your second gender is an omega it makes it very hard to deal with. It was also the reason it was so rare and dangerous for omegas to become shinobi as well since if they go into heat while on a mission they could attract enemy shinobi and could be sexually tortured for information or become a sex slave or used for breeding.

Not to mention Naruto also had a hard time getting along with most of his peers in the rookie nine since all of them are alphas and Naruto is the only omega in their group and he didn't really have many friends do to it. The only ones he really got along with was Choji, Shikamaru, Hinata, Lee, Neji and finally Shino the others he didn't see eye to eye with, Sakura was raised from day one to hate his guts by her alpha parents and looked down on omegas while Ino hated him because Sasuke his alpha teammate wanted to make him his mate and she and Sakura felt extremely jealous because of that and Sasuke who was the alpha that was just mentioned who stalked and sexually harassed him on a daily basis even went as far as to grope and try to force himself on him multiple times it only disgusted the omega with how vile Sasuke could be it also surprised him that he never succeeded in accomplishing his goal and knocking him up and lastly Kiba he was like many alphas who believes that omegas are only meant for breeding and was completely close minded to omegas being shinobi it honestly infuriated Naruto a lot.

Honestly Naruto did want to find a nice mate and start a family someday however he also wanted a mate who wouldn't treat him as a baby making machine and as someone they will love and care for and treat as their partner and spouse.

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