Dazai's Feelings

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bungo Stray Dogs

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bungo Stray Dogs

"My precious Belladonna will you do me the honor of committing a double suicide with me?" Dazai smiles and asked Naruto while holding his hand as he spoke in a sweet and seductive tone as Naruto smiles and chuckles nervously as he sweats drops. "Umm no thank you." Naruto says to him making Dazai pout and let go of his hand while making the blond haired omega laugh.

It has been two months since Naruto had saved Dazai from drowning and the alpha's suicidal attempt he has been traveling with the omega and huge white haired yet perverted alpha.

They had ended up becoming good friends and had become close as well Dazai loved Naruto's cheerful and caring attitude towards him he was so kind and welcoming to him and was always there for him when he needed it.

Dazai at first wasn't sure what to think of this since he wasn't used this sort of thing from others except by his late friend Odasaku and had at first found it odd but then he began to truly to enjoy and love Naruto's unconditional care and kindness towards him.

Although it brought out feelings in him feelings that Dazai didn't understand or know what they are. He frowns looking at the blond who drank some tea, they were in a tea house drinking some tea and eating some dango.

They were in a small village since they had to make a pit stop since they had to go to a clinic to pick up some more pills for Naruto's heat since he had ran out of them so while Naruto waited for his pills to be prepared they went out to a tea house to have some tea and some dango while Jiraya....goes to a hot spring to do some peeping for his research for his next book.

"Sorry we had to make this stop, I didn't expect to run out so soon." Naruto says to Dazai with an apologetic look on his face while smiling a bright smile it could rival the sun. Dazai blushes as he swore Naruto's bright light could melt even the most coldest hearts and chasing away the darkness he then grabbed some dango and begins to eat. "No no it's fine, it must be annoying to have to take those pills all the time though." Dazai says to him making Naruto shrugs and eats his dango.

"It can sometimes but you get used to it, although I have to admit there are times the pills don't always work and so because of that I have to take a shot which makes me sick afterwards, honestly I have to always make sure I have plenty of pills when I'm away from my village since it can be very dangerous if I'm in heat while traveling." Naruto tells him which didn't surprise Dazai.

When he used to be part of the port mafia he remembered there was a handful of members who were omegas and when they were captured by enemy gangs and so on they were sexually tortured a few of them couldn't handle it so they ended up committing suicide or leaving the port mafia afterwards.

So Dazai could understand what Naruto meant by it was dangerous. Naruto had finished his first dango stick and was about to to have another when suddenly an alpha came into the tea house and begins to shamelessly flirt with him while Naruto chooses to ignore him while Dazai looked at him with a dangerous scary look in his eyes. "Leave now." Dazai says coldly making the alpha scared and leave.

Naruto sweats drops and turns to Dazai with a small chuckle as he rubs the back of his head. "Man you're scary when you're mad remind me not to get on your bad side dattebayo." Naruto says to him with a grin a joking tone making Dazai blush. In all honesty there wasn't anything that the omega could do to make Dazai ever mad or upset with him as once more Dazai was left alone to mull on his new feelings.

Naruto then looks at the clock and sees what time it is making him get up and take out his precious froggy wallet gama chan and pays for his food and heads to the hospital to pick up his pills. Dazai watches him silently and sighs and bringing his hand to his chest where his heart is feeling it racing a mile per hour while he blushes. "Why....why do you beat for me now?" Dazai asked out loud his hand still clutching on the spot where his heart was the same heart he had forgotten he had the same one that he thought was dead.

Dazai knew and understood why this feeling was foreign because this was the first time...he has ever fallen in love with someone.

Later on Dazai goes to the inn they are staying at and he enters the room where Naruto and him were staying in together and was smacked in the face with a fistful of pheromones as they smelled like freshly grown roses they smelled wonderful as he finds the blond omega on one of the futon beds panting and his eyes glazed and his face flushed...he was in heat.

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