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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bungo Stray Dogs

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bungo Stray Dogs

One month later after they became mates Naruto and Dazai would spend time together when Naruto wasn't training or when Dazai wasn't planning his next suicide attempt and when they were together they would just hang out at a hotel and watch movies or go to a cafe or just walked around together holding hands Dazai would even flirt with Naruto any chance he got as well and would often ask Naruto to commit a double suicide with him making Naruto smile and turn him down making Dazai pout and whine like a child.

And of course at night they would have a passionate night together and Dazai would make sure the whole hotel knows that Naruto was all his and that he was his omega by making Naruto scream to the heavens with pleasure. However today they will be getting a very big yet happy surprise.

Naruto was right now in the hotel room puking his guts out in the toilet while Dazai rubbed his mate's back. "It's's okay...I'm here for you my there anything I can get you?" Dazai offered him making Naruto wipe his mouth and flush the toilet. "Not that I could think of...but this has been happening a lot the few days...not to mention that I've been eating a lot as well and certain foods smell fishy to me and I also want to eat strange things like ice cream and hot sauce." Naruto confessed to him making Dazai frown.

He had a feeling what was wrong but didn't want to jump to conclusions. "Belladonna, is your next heat late?" Dazai asked him making Naruto frown as he was about to answer when he felt like he was gonna be sick again and just holds onto the toilet like it was his life support as he tries to puke but didn't but he certainly felt like it.

Dazai looked at his mate with concern and picked Naruto up and carried him over to their shared bed and laid him down on it and tucked him in he also got him a bowl as well to puke in. Dazai ran his fingers through his mate's soft blond hair trying to comfort him the best he could.

"Naru, tomorrow when you're up for it let's go see a doctor." Dazai told him making his mate nod his head in agreement as Dazai gave him a bottle of water to drink from while making sure he didn't too big of sips from the bottle.

The next day Dazai and Naruto were at the village clinic while waiting for their name to be called, Dazai could tell from Naruto's pheromones that he was nervous.

The reason his omega was so nervous was because Naruto always hated hospitals since he was a kid. Naruto had told him that many doctors and nurses had tried to kill him multiple times in the past. It honestly made Dazai's blood boil at that, and he thought Mori was cruel and this man was a pedophile no less.

They then heard Naruto's name being called so they both got up and walked inside one of the offices and the doctor who is a beta and a man in his early forties begins to examine Naruto and he asked him certain questions and etc as he writes things down on his clipboard he then turned to Naruto and gives him a cup and asked him to go to the bathroom for a sample.

Naruto nods his head and takes the cup and goes to the bathroom while Dazai and the doctor waited. When Naruto returned he gave the urine sample to the doctor who then left for a few minutes. When he returned he sits down across from the couple and smiles at them. "Congratulations, you're pregnant....your due date is on May 5." He tells them making Naruto's eyes widen at that while Dazai didn't seemed surprised at all and already knew that Naruto was pregnant.

A couple hours later Jiraya was sitting across from the couple and does an impressive spit take. "What you're pregnant?!" Jiraya yells out as he was in their hotel room with a bottle of sake while he stared at the blond omega who was wearing a black t shirt and dark green boxers while he had a blanket wrapped around him while his hand was on his stomach where his baby was growing inside and while Dazai's arm was wrapped around his waist as well in a protective manner his trench coat was off as Dazai was smiling.

Back then if you asked him if he wanted to be a father and have kids someday when he was still part of the Port Mafia, Dazai would of firmly said no he didn't but now since meeting Naruto he wanted that...he wanted to build a family with the omega he was deeply in love with. "Yes...I am...I just can't believe it...I'm finally going to have a family...thank you so much Osamu...this is the best gift you could ever given me." Naruto says crying while Dazai smiles and kisses his lips lovingly.

Dazai then turned to Jiraya and smiles at him. "By the way, whatever you agree to it or not I have decided I will marry Naruto and I will help him raise our child together...we also talked together and I had told him in two years I plan on joining a private detective agency in Yokohama called the Armed Detective Agency and have asked him to move with me and start a new life there together and he has agreed to that as well." Dazai told him making Jiraya sigh and rubs his head a bit.

"Damn you're gonna give me a headache someday...alright alright...I will bless your marriage and everything else but I swear if you ever hurt Naruto or the baby I swear I will kill you." Jiraya tells him coldly and leaves the room while Dazai pulled his mate close to himself both of them smiling and giggling as Dazai puts a hand on his mate's belly...he couldn't wait for their child to be born.

Meanwhile inside the Womb

Kurama woke up when he felt something and he looked at the developing fetus and raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Well that's interesting." Kurama says as he saw that the child was born with a gifted ability not just any gifted ability but the ability to transform into a weretiger an ability that once belonged to one of Naruto's ancestors.

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