Beautiful man

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Gojo always felt like he didn't belong even though he is handsome. He knew he was the odd one out of the group. It might have been because he is albino or his over the top dramatic personality but those things are not the problem. He knew why he doesn't fit well anywhere. It's because he is blind. To be more specific he has cataract blind which means he can slightly see the shape and color of someone but not details. Gojo would normally have to touch someone's face to get a good understanding of someone but since most people don't like to get in touch, let alone the face, it's hard for him to make friends. His only friends are Geto and Shoko. It's easy for Gojo to recognize his friends. Geto is the only person gojo can see on eye level. While it's easy to recognize Shoko since she always has a flower smoke smell to her. From all the perfume and smoking she does. Also from how she is the only girl in the whole class room who has a deep soothing voice. 

What also doesn't help is that Gojo needs help with walking to places or doing his work. At first most people that he meets are glad to lend him a hand but when it gets to that first week mark they are either annoyed or tired of helping. He normally uses a walking stick but sometimes Geto or Shoko have to lead him places when it's crowded. Like an airport or an amusement park. They don't mind. They love him for the way he is but of course they don't tell Gojo that. Every time they say something remotely sweet to him he would get crabby at them. He feels bad that his friends have to help him all the time while he can't help them.

The weather is chilly even though the sky is blue and the sun is shining. The day felt like it was going to be another fall day. Go to class, be quiet, do work, no drama and repeat. That was the schedule that everyone from JuJu high follows. Sometimes it's a bit different if there is a school organized event but most of the time it's the same too since it's always the same old three themes. No bullying, stop vaping, and what to do after high school. It's every month even though no one pays attention. 

Even though everything was supposed to go the schedule as planned someone has to disrupt the flow. Everyone has been talking about the new student that's going to be joining the class. The girl whispers and giggles about if he is going to be cute or not. The nerdy kids hope it's not another mean popular bully. The popular kids hope he isn't "cool" since they don't like composition.  While the punks in the class hope it's another one of them. Gojo just sat by the window, infatuated reading his book that's in braille. It looks like a normal baille book since there is no art cover since it's pointless. It's actually a steamy romance book. Shoko got it for Gojo when he was bored in class. At first Gojo was annoyed about the recommendation but when he started to read more and more he fell in love.

Geto sat on the desk behind him as he wrapped his arms around his shoulder to get his attention. Gojo put his creased the corners of the book to make a bookmark before closing it. He was happy that geto doesn't know how to read braille because if he did he would have been yelled at.

"Hey, Gojo, do you know there is going to be a new student. I heard that he is very cute and that all the girls love him." He said before sitting down into the seat next to him since it was getting near time for class to begin. 

"Ugh you got me to stop me reading just to tell me information I already knew? Everyone knows there is a new kid coming to this class. Why should I care. He is just going to ignore us." Gojo complained to Geto as he laid back into his chair. 

"You need to lighten up. People said he is nice. You need to give people chances." Geto said as he leans down to pick up Gojo book bag. He helped gojo get all his pencil and paper since it takes him a while to get the right book and to get to the right page. Just to make things go by faster.

"Why should I? People don't give me chances so why should I give them any." Gojo huffed as he opened up his book again since he got to the "good part" but put it away immediately after hearing the door open. A loud clacking footstep came right after which signifies that the teacher has walked into the room. Everyone quickly got back into their signed desk to see the new student faster. When the whispering and the giggles finally came to a stop Mr. Nanami gave a loud cough to clear his thought. 

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