Happy birtday

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The fall leaves that rested on the ground were covered with a jacket of white. The cool air of autumn turned sharp to the skin. The sky that was filled with blue has recently become gray from snow clouds over Tokyo. With winter coming into play that didn't stop people from enjoying themselves. Puffy hats and jackets is what most of the people of the city were wearing. It made since big clothes were in style this winter. Big and expensive jackets were a must especially if you were in high school. Instead of focusing on school everyone is already planning for their winter break.

Gojo hates this time of year with a passion. Not because he hates having to dress in heavy clothing and stuff but this time of year makes it hard to see. He normally is able to tell people apart by their hair, smell, and if they wear a specific item a lot. For example Yuji is easy to recognize since in Gojos eyes he is a pink blur. With it being winter and Yuji wearing hats now he can't tell him apart from other people now. It's truly a bummer for Gojo since he has grown to like the color pink recently. He also hates the winter for he is now blind to touch. With braille books, braille signs, and his phone on blind setting are great examples of what he sees from touch. With him having to wear gloves from how cold it is even in the class room he now can't see with his hands.  He feels shut out from the world making him feel more lonely than before. 

Gojo woke up from the yelling of his personal maid. Besides from Geto she has to be the closest person to him. Almost like an older sister to him. They are so close since she is a younge maid so it's easier to have conversations with her. She also goes the extra mile for him even if she doesn't get any money in return like only wearing yellow maid dresses instead of the black one that the others wear. His mother hates it since it makes her stand out which is the point. With her wearing yellow it helps him find her easily. 

The blind boy slowly sat up to the corner of his bed. Letting her change him into his school uniform. Not really taking mind to being naked in front of her since this isn't the first nor the last time he has. When she was finished changing the boy she gave him his walking stick.

"Happy birthday!! I hope you and your friends do something fun this afternoon." She said as she put his hand on the staring to make sure his walking stick doesn't slip out his hand on his way to school. Gojos smiled softly as she helped him out the door, down the long fancy hallway that had paintings hanging on display, and down the shiny curvy stairway to the big front black door. When they got there the door bell rang. Standing there was his best friend who was playing on his phone. Not paying to make any attention.

"Well bye bye Gojo" The maid said before giving him a goodbye kiss. The boys walked to school in silence since Geto face was stuck on his phone. Acting as if it was just another day even though it was his best friends birthday. Gojos who was irritated now from being ignored coughed to get his attention. 

"So is there anything you want to talk to me about?' Gojo mumbled as he tightened his grip on getos arm since he could hear more cars which means they are now outside his neighborhood and onto the sidewalk. Geto sighed still not looking up at Gojo. 

"Oh uh I Shoko needs the smut book back soon. The library has been bugging her." He said in an uninterested voice. When they stopped walking Gojo frowned at the news before resting his head on his shoulder before letting out a loud dramatic sigh.

"Do you have anything else to tell me?" Gojo mumbled out. Sad that his closest friend in the world forgot about his birthday. 

"Uhh not really." Geto yawned out. The walk to school that was normally filled with laughter and yelling was quiet. With the freezing cold temperature and the lack of entertainment made the already mopey boy even more mopey. Sighing every now and then until they finally made it to school. He doesn't expect them to go all out but would at least like them to say happy birthday. The school day was just the same. It was almost like he was being ignored. To put the cherry on top of his Yuji wasn't even at school. This has to be one of the worst birthdays he has ever had. 

Gojos walked down the cold hallway that had freezing students shivering to their last class. Normally he would walk to his 7 period class with Shoko but she snick out of class last period. Most likely to take another smoke brake. With no one walking him to his next class he is now forced to use his walking stick. He hates it from how much attention it gives him and how long it takes for him to get to class. He stops at every door to feel the braille sign under the number sign. When he finally made it to class that was luckily in the same building and floor as his last class it was almost time for class. He opened the slide in door to see a blur of pink pop up and the smell of smoke flood his nose.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY." Yuji, Shoko, Geto, and his newer friend Mei Mei and Utahime yelling out loud. Gojo looked down at everyone's surprise since he was ignored all day. Yuji giggled out loud and dragged him to his desk where the smell of cake and colorful dots surrounded his desk. Gojo touched the colorful dots to feel a rubbery touch. 

"Are these balloons?" He said while rubbing the yellow balloon with his hand. 

"Yeah you like it? I heard that you like really colorful stuff so I bought some balloons. I better get my money back." Mei Mei snickered out as she sat next to shoko on the desk. 

"I thought you guys forgot. When did you get time to do this?" Gojo said while playing with the balloons. Hitting them up into the air like they were punching back. Geto who was quiet laughed out loud. He went behind the confused white hair boy and hugged him. 

"I was trying my best to surprise you. Do you honestly think we would forget your birthday?" Geto chuckled out as he ruffled Gojos hair. Gojo nodded as he touched every balloon. He went to the last one that was pink. Instead of feeling rubber he felt warm squishy cheeks in the pawn of his hand. He quickly realized who it was and quickly pulled his hands away. His face was now as pink as Yujis hair. Everyone just laughed at the flustered boy who was now a blushing mess. 

"Happy birthday. Birthday boy" Yuji giggled out

Hey sorry that this chapter was short. I've been really busy recently and haven't gotten the chance to sit down and write. Also if this chapter has a lot of spelling problems then please forgive me I was rushing. I might come back later and fix them. Don't worry more chapters are on in planning. I hope you enjoyed it.


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