N.Y. State of Mind

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Onika Maraj
August 20th, 1993
East Brooklyn, New York
(please excuse any errors)

Staring at a poster nailed to a street light pole, the poster reads "Rap Battle Constest, August 21, 1993, Male and Female, ages 18 and older. Bring your best bars! Winner earns a chance to be signed by Bad Boy Records."
Onika squinted her eyes at the colorful paper nailed before walking into her place of work.

She had already seen those posters almost everywhere in New York. She had been told by friends and colleagues that she was a good rapper, but didn't wanna take it seriously.

She always thought she was good where she's at. She would rap around friends at parks or on corners, this was her hobby, Queens was her home. She knew of Puff, she knew he was rising all over New York, specifically Brooklyn.

She clocked in getting ready to wait tables at regular 9 to 5 at Red Lobster, wrapping her apron around her waist, with her mind still thinking about the poster. She came to America from Trinidad, growing up she was taught to never be distracted from what needs to come first.

"Ayo Nick, you seen those posters around the block?" her co-worker and friend Latisha asked. Onika waiting on the chef to give her an order "Yeah, who hasn't they damn near everywhere you turn." Latisha organizing her materials in her pockets "So you gonna sign up? You would be dope as hell."

"I ain't joining that shit, rapping is just something for fun." Onika moved her hair out her face "Rapping is just something for fun." Latisha mocked, she knew Nicki actually loved rapping she just didn't want to disappoint her family.

"Im for real, music will always be there." the ebony hair girl standing in the same position leaning against the wall in the kitchen. "Why you keep doing that?" Latisha stood starting to get annoyed "Doing what?" Nicki replied defensively with her arms crossed

"You keep selling yourself short, don't get me wrong this job cool and all but it won't last forever. You still gotta still pay bills."

"And joining some dumbass rap battle where I could potentially lose is gonna help? Please Tisha I don't need anyone trying to tell me what I need to do." She started to stand up straight hoping that order would hurry

" Alright then" Latisha held her hands up "But how bout this, Whoever serves more customers gotta gotta go to the battle, whoever lose gotta actually join?"

"No" Nicki patted her weave. Latisha ignores her and writes both of their names on a chalkboard. "Why you pussy?" Tisha says too provoke her coworker to join. Nicki thought about it for a brief moment, one won point she had nothing to lose, another point told her to prove Latisha wrong.

"Whatever, i'll play your game." She finally and as the chef rang the bell, the bet started.


It was a slow day, not many people were coming in. Nicki tried to get as many customers as she could. Most men were there to flirt with her instead of ordering which made it harder for her, Latisha on the other hand, was a beast throughout this competition. By the time the bell hit 11:30 p.m., it was time to go. Latisha had won by 15 points versus Nicki's 10 points. She knew what that meant, rap battle.

Taking off her apron "I see the Lord was on my side" Latisha chuckled. Onika who was exhausted at this point, stood their vin defeat. "Like the poster says," Tisha the flyer up from her purse "Bring your best bars."

Onika stuck her middle finger up at her "This shit is stupid." she said under her breath " Fine im in the competition, you happy?" Latisha laughed at the girl with the attitude "Excited actually"

Nicki was about to respond until a car honked outside "Well my mans outside" Latisha grabbed her purse "Wanna ride Nick?" Onika declined "Nah it's alright my bus almost here." Latisha shrugged her shoulders "Alright see you at the constest, Miss Rapstress" with that, she left.


After taking several city buses and subways, Onika returned to her mother's apartment in South Jamaica Queens. She lived with her mother and younger siblings Micaiah and Ming.

She loved her family and wanted the best situation for them. they lived in a three bedroom apartment, of course her mother had brother had their own individual rooms, while she and her sister Ming shared a room.

As walked in her siblings greeted and she gave them the biscuits they loved from her job. Her mother Carol got a second job as security guard at a county jail in Manhattan because bills were getting tight, so she was gonna be out a little longer.

"Cookie, look what I did" Ming held up a picture she drew in her kindergarten class. "That's good Bun Bun, i'll help yall with ya homework when I get out the shower. " She said letting her Caribbean accent flow, her siblings found those accents funny since they were born in America.

They all shared one bathroom. Nicki turned on the shower to lukewarm water and began to strip out of her attire. She admired her body for a short while before hopping in the shower.

As she cleansed her body the main thing on her mind was this contest tomorrow. She had nothing to lose but she didn't wanna make a fool of herself either. She tried to run positive thoughts through her mind, thinking if she did win this could bring a better living situation for her family. A better opportunity Red Lobster couldn't afford.

She got the shower, moisturized and her body, helped her siblings with homework as promised and went to bed. She wanted to be real with herself. Music wasn't for fun with her, it was a passion. She decided to end day off with a good attitude about the bet thinking this could be a good thing.

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