40 Barz

78 9 32

Onika Maraj
Queens, New York 📍
Aug. 21 - 23, 1993

Looking into the mirror, Onika's curling iron made sizzling noises as she prepared for her big day. At first she wasn't too excited about this bet Latisha put her up against. She looked at her younger sister out the corner of her eye, hoping she wouldn't wake up.

Turning back to the mirror, she continued to prep herself. A million thoughts were coming through her mind at once. She never had so much stage fright in her life. She thought about how the whole thing could go, she had nothing to lose but didn't wanna make a fool of herself either.

"Cookie?" she heard her sister Ming ask for her "Where you going?" the toddler crawled out of bed and walked to see what her sister was doing. Fascinated by Nicki doing her hair, she was always stuck to her like glue whenever she was around.

"I'm going out Mimi, i'll be back" Ming walked her stubby little feet closer "Can I come too?" She found it sweet that she was so amazed by her "No you can't, i'll be back."

She started whining and jumping up and down. She ran and tugged on Nicki's leg. "If you calm down, I'll bring you some candy." Of course she was able to bribe the girl with sugar and sweets. "Okay!" Ming instantly calmed down. Kids, dramatic.

By now, she was already finished getting ready. Ming climbed back into the bed waiting for her to leave, this hadn't been the first time she snuck out before her mother woke up.


Riding around with Latisha in her red Cadillac. She look around her hood for a brief moment. South Jamaica Queens, that's her home. A girl from around the way.

"You nervous?" Latisha snapped her out thoughts as they stopped at a red light "Yeah, a little" she had a blank face "Girl don't worry too much you'll be fine."

Nicki looked at her "Your not competing, I am" Latisha smirked "Well I know that, dumb dumb. Im saying you have to some confidence before hitting that stage."

"I don't know, don't none of this feel real. Lets just turn around im not feeling too good."

She chuckled catching her friend on bullshit "Bitch don't be tryna fake sick, we almost an hour from BK, and I ain't turning back."

Nicki sighed, staring out the window as the Cadillac cruised down the avenue. The sun was setting, casting long shadows over the street. The vibe of the city was a mix of energy and tension, the perfect backdrop for her nerves.

"Think about it, Nicki. You've been dreaming of this moment. Ain't no time to punk out now," Latisha said, turning down the volume on the radio.

Nicki looked at her friend, the weight of her words sinking in. "You're right. I just... what if I mess up?"

Latisha gave her a sideways glance. "Then you get back up and keep going. This is your shot, girl. Don't let fear stop you now."

They pulled up to the venue in Brooklyn, the street buzzing with people lining up to get in. Nicki felt a lump in her throat as they parked and got out of the car. The lights, the sounds, the energy—it was all so overwhelming.

"Nicki, you got this. Remember, we from Queens. We don't back down," Latisha said, giving her a firm squeeze on the shoulder.

Nicki nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, we don't."

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