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The older brings her hand back to the younger's face, resting it on the girl's cheek and running her thumb over Miku's porcelain skin before she whispers out, "I love you, too, Miku."

"Now that the backstabber and her girl are out of the picture, all that's needed is for you, my dear, to distract pretty boy." Karol smirks, her boyfriend doing the same, as he simply nods his head and walks towards the exit of the empty classroom.

Her smirk widens into a wicked grin, her hazel eyes holding a deathly glint. She feels around in her pocket, one of her fingers brushing the cold metal. Don't worry, you won't be cold for long.


"Oi! Pretty boy! I'm talking to you!" Damien lets out an annoyed sigh before turning around, coming face to face with the captain of the basketball team and five other guys that he assumes are on the team as well.

What the F does this jerk want? Before Damien can say anything, he sees the captain lift up a fist and go to hit him. Before the punch can land or Damien can even think about blocking it, a small figure quickly moves in front of him.


Shinji grabs Charles' fist with one of his hands, ducking when the blonde-haired idiot tries to swing with the other one. What a baka... (バカ)

The dark-haired boy's honey-like voice drips with venom as he speaks. "How many times do I have to beat you senseless before you realize not to mess with the people I care about? Are you that dense?"

The taller boy snickers, a nasty sneer on his face. "Where's your boyfriend, tiny? Did he finally come to his senses and leav-" Charles words are cut short by a palm to his face, Shinji breaking something with one simple blow. Red gushes from his nose as he cries out in pain, bringing his hands to his face.

"Don't you dare talk about Jake. I know why you hate me, despise me. Just get over the fact that you couldn't have him." he sees Charles' eyes glaze over, a slight teary sheen to them. He goes to throw another punch, Shinji easily moving out of the way and still holding the other fist in place.

"What are you five doing just standing there, help!" Charles barely gets the words out before a small fist hits the side of his head, knocking him out cold in seconds.


Three out of the five others put up their hands and back away, mumbling. "I am not getting my nose broke today." Those ones run off, leaving only two staring down at their captain, looks of utter shock and disbelief on both their faces.

"Our captain is a numbskull... Right?" The other two each grab onto one of Charles' arms and pick him up off the floor and practically carry him outside of the school.

"Alright, who's nex-" Shinji sentence is cut off by Jacob's frantic voice. He never sounds like that; what's going on? He looks over at Damien, who is obviously in some sort of shock, as he's almost like a statue. Unmoving.

He then looks over at Jake, freezing when he notices all the red covering his boyfriend's once white t-shirt and the still weeping wounds all over his forearms. Those aren't from fingernails; those are from a knife. A razor blade to be exact.


"What, who, how? Are you okay, babe?" Jay nods his head, still a bit breathless. He then shakes it, tears in his eyes as he speaks.

"Genie..." he closes his eyes, tears falling to the floor. "Hurt..." Jake starts to sob, tremoring. "Gymnasium..." Shinji glances over at Damien, watching as the older sprints off towards the gym.

"Ji, she isn't wanting to get up... she sounded so gutted... she seemed like she was just wanting to give up... but she did say two words, 'Get Damien.' So, I went searching for him and thankfully, I found you, too." Jacob sniffles, opening his eyes and staring down at his boyfriend.

"Are you hurt?" Shinji shakes his head, his dark eyes still staring at Jay's arms. The blood from the wounds starts to drip onto the tile, staining it a bright crimson.

"I-" The younger shakes his head again before finally looking into Jake's chestnut brown eyes. "I'm fine, but you aren't."


Shinji takes his hand and wraps it around his boyfriend's wrist, tugging him towards the exit of the school. Jacob stumbles a bit, starting to feel a bit faint once he finally notices that his shirt isn't completely white anymore; it's nearly covered in red.

"Karol... she ran off... I think she realized that I wasn't going to let her get to Genie, and she just gave up... dropping the weapon she had and running out the back doors of the gym... she looked genuinely scared that she could have gone too far." Jake continues to stumble along, Shinji nodding in acknowledgment of what he had said.

"I really hope Genie is okay. Damien will make sure of that, though." The raven-haired boy glances over at the curly-haired one beside him. "We're heading home. I have to make sure you're alright, Jay."

Jacob nods his head and as they continue to get closer to home, he can't help but feel thankful. Thankful that he was there to stop Karol from seriously injuring Genie, or perhaps doing even worse. Please be okay, bestie.


Those three words snap Damien out of his shock, his feet moving before his brain can fully comprehend what he may walk into. Genevieve, hurt, gymnasium.

He gets there within seconds and kicks the doors open. When he sees the scene in front of him, it causes his heart to shatter. His soul to break. Who did this to you, my love?

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