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He gets there within seconds and kicks the doors open. When he sees the scene in front of him, it causes his heart to shatter. His soul to break. Who did this to you, my love?

"Genie, are you okay?" He slowly walks up to her and kneels down in front of her curled-up form, worry in his eyes. She doesn't move or speak, still curled up on the ground; her back facing away from him.

"Genevieve? Please, answer me." He lightly puts his hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch. He moves his hand away, tilting his head.

She curls up even more, bringing her knees to her chest. "Go away, please." she starts to sob. Please, just leave me alone... Her shoulders start to shake even more as tears start to stream down her face.

He gets up and walks around to where he can see her face; he's met with an almost unrecognizable Genevieve. Her face is covered in bruises and scratches; her clothes colored crimson from the multiple cuts that were inflicted by Karol.

His eyes fill with even more worry at the sight, and he looks away with tears in his icy blue eyes. "Genie, it's me. Damien." He tries lightly placing his hand on her shoulder again, this time she doesn't flinch.

"Damien?" She slowly looks up into his eyes, seeing worry there. "How did you know I was here?" She sits up, slightly hissing at the pain in her body.


His eyes quickly move to look at her when he hears the sound. He clenches his jaw in anger, taking a deep breath in and out to calm himself down. Do not get mad. Make sure Genie is okay first. Now is not the time, Damien.

"Jacob found Shinji and I in the halls; he was covered in red. All I heard him say was your name, gymnasium, and hurt. I don't even remember running here, to be honest. All I could think about was getting to you, making sure you were alright." he gently places a hand on both of her cheeks and plants a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Can you walk, love?" Damien watches her try to get up, holding onto her waist just in case she falls back down. When she gets to her feet, she tries to take a step, but cries out in pain, nearly falling back to the gymnasium floor.

Tears start to stream down Genie's face again as she shakes her head, wrapping her arms around Damien's torso and burying her face in his chest. "I can't. I'm sorry..."

"No need to be sorry, my love. I can carry you, it's okay." he kisses the top of her head, and she pulls away from him so that he can pick her up. I will always be here to pick you up when you fall. Always.


He picks her up bridal style and she wraps her arms around his neck, staring up into his beautiful blue orbs as he starts to walk out of the school grounds. Her gaze travels to his lips for a few seconds, then along his jawline and the rest of his face. I still can't believe this Greek god of a man is mine. He is just so perfect...

Damien feels her stare, and his mouth curls up into a small smile. "Look all you want, Genie. I'm all yours." he continues looking forward, heading home.

"I-" Genie starts to blush, her eyes still taking in his features. His dark, wavy, messy hair down past his shoulders. His smile. That gorgeous smile...

Why is he so perfect? "Why are you so-" her words are cut short when she notices that they have stopped in front of Damien's house.


He takes the key out of his pocket, managing to unlock and open the door before walking through it. He then closes it behind them and relocks the door, walking up the stairs to his bedroom.

He looks down at her and tilts his head, his hair falling over half of his face. His smile turns into a grin. "Why am I so... what?"

Genie shakes her head, burying her face in his chest and blushing a bright pink. "Never mind. It's nothing..."

Damien chuckles at her words and gently lets her go, laying her on his bed. She pouts a bit, her arms still around his neck. "Uhm, Genie? Are you okay?" her grip tightens a bit, and she suddenly pulls him onto the bed with her.

He nearly lands on top of her with his full weight but stops himself by placing his hands on either side of her head, a mixture of shock and confusion on his face. Genie giggles, looking up at him with a mischievous glint in her light green eyes.


She takes one of her hands from around his neck and places it on one of his cheeks, running her thumb over his bottom lip. "Why are you so perfect, Damien?" she whispers, staring into his icy blue eyes. She watches as he blinks a few times, his breath leaving his body quicker than before.

"I-" His mouth tries to form words, but they can't seem to. Genie smiles, her eyes shining even more. She continues to hold his gaze, the fingers of her other hand tangling into his dark hair. Damien's eyes flutter closed, a breath barely escaping from him before she pulls him closer to her.

"I love you." her words cause him to smile. Before he can say the words back, Genie brings his mouth down to hers and kisses him.

Damien sighs as the kiss deepens, content in her embrace. I love you more, Genevieve.

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