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Damien sighs as the kiss deepens, content in her embrace. I love you more, Genevieve.

They are laying on Damien's bed, facing each other. He kisses Genie's forehead, making her giggle a bit and smile up at him. She sleepily blinks a few times before snuggling into his chest. She wraps her arms around his waist and closes her eyes, nearly falling asleep. He makes me feel so safe, protected.

"You should probably head home, love." Damien mumbles, letting out a yawn. "Unless you wanted to stay here? My father won't mind."

No... "I don't wanna go home. I wanna stay here. With you." Genevieve whispers. She tightens her grip around him, causing him to chuckle deeply before kissing the top of her head and hugging her.

She's so cute when she's sleepy... "Okay, then good night, Genie." he pulls away from her just enough to peck her on the lips and then puts his arms around her, gently pulling her closer to him.

As their breathing slowly deepens and they fall asleep, Damien starts to dream. Seeing two individuals that he hasn't seen in what seems like forever. "Mum... Azalea..."


A lush, emerald-green field of tall grass up to their knees. Golden rays of warm sunshine beam down, bathing the three in an orangey-yellow glow. Delicate white flowers dance in the gentle breeze that blows through, reminding Damien of his love, Genevieve.

"Hey, bro! It's been a while, huh?" Azalea grins, her eyes shining bright.

"Yeah, it has been, sis." Damien smiles back, pulling his twin into a quick hug before backing away.

"Hi, mum..." he looks her way, both sets of icy blue eyes locking before she takes both of his hands into hers. Damien starts to tear up instantly, his eyes burning as his teardrops trail down his cheeks and down to the ground.

She smiles at her son, pride in her heart as she talks. "I see that you have found someone that you absolutely adore and love deeply. Treat each other well, my boy." she hugs him tight, Azalea joining as well before speaking up.

"I agree with mum. Oh, and Genevieve loves and adores you as well. She may not say it, but trust me; she cares deeply for you, bro." Azalea and Mrs. Fox back away from the hug after her words, their smiles gone now.

They both start to slowly disappear, but before they do Mrs. Fox says something. "We have to go now. We love you and will always be watching over you. Always."

As they fade away, he manages to smile at them both. "Trust me mum, Azalea. I will forever treat Genie as the perfect, beautiful queen that she is. She deserves the world." Damien starts to sob, trying to wipe his face dry before Azalea and his mother completely dissipate, and his dream comes to an end.


"Damien?" Genie whispers out, her voice barely audible in the quiet bedroom as she reaches out towards him. Her hand finds his face, illuminated by the early morning light shining through the small gap in the curtains.

She notices immediately that he had been crying, and that he still is. "What's wrong?" Was it a nightmare?

He shakes his head, his dark locks nearly covering all of his features. "Just a dream with my sister and mum. It wasn't a nightmare this time, but... yeah." he tries to smile, his eyes red from the tears.

"Oh, okay... if you want to talk about it, I'm here." Genie smiles a little, tracing his skin with her thumb before moving some of his hair out of his face.

"I think it would help if I did, so-" Damien stops speaking when he hears a knock at the bedroom door and his father's voice. Oh? He's home earlier than usual. I wonder why?


Mr. Fox's voice is somewhat small and tired, but excited, as he speaks through the door. "Hey, son. Uhm, just wanted to say that I finally have a few weeks off from work. Just in time for seeing you and Genevieve's dance at the summer formal. By the way, do I get to meet her before then, or..."

Genie's eyes widen as she hides under the blanket on the bed, only her eyes showing. "Are you sure he won't be mad that I'm in your room?" she whispers to Damien.

Damien laughs and shakes his head before mouthing the word 'no', getting up and opening the door. "Really, dad? You actually got time off?" his father grins and nods his head, walking into the room.

"Oh, who's this?" Mr. Fox tilts his head curiously, looking back and forth between Genie and Damien. "Please tell me no 'funny business' happened..."

Damien and Genie both shake their heads vigorously, throwing their hands up in the air. "No, sir!" they both say at the same time, causing Damien's father to chuckle.

"Alright, I believe you two. You must be Genevieve. I've heard so much about you from Damien. So. Much." Genie looks over at her boyfriend, seeing him become shy and start to blush. She giggles, Mr. Fox laughing as well.

"Yes, that's me!" she unwraps herself from the blanket, forgetting that she had slept in her clothes from the day before. She only realizes when his father's eyes widen in disbelief and shock.


He turns his gaze to his son, who quickly puts his hands up again. "I didn't do it, trust me on that. It was a girl at school. Karol McKay." Damien says, looking over at his girlfriend who nods her head in agreement.

His father's eyes close and the man sighs deeply. "McKay. I completely forgot that he had a daughter. He has said the past few weeks that she was talking about 'playing a trick on one of her school friends on the final day of school' and that she sounded malicious when she said it. Hopefully, he-"

The conversation is interrupted by a cellphone ringing. Damien, his father, and Genie all check to see who's it is, realizing that it's Damien's father's. Mr. Fox checks the caller ID: McKay.

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