30. Int. Haden's Bedroom - Noon

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Camera cuts to show the interior of Haden's guest bedroom. It's nice but small in comparison to River's or her father's.

Cuts to the door as it opens and Stace steps inside. She's been skeptical of Haden, so she's here to determine if he's had any involvement.

Hmm... The room seems in order...

She scans the room for any sign of disorder, and sees none on surface level.

She walks to the bed and begins removing the cover, pillows, and sheets. Underneath; nothing.

Nothing in the bed, so...

She bends down and looks underneath the bed, but once again; nothing is there.

Or under it.

Standing up, she turns her attention to the side tables at either side of the bed, but nothing lies in their drawers. Same with the dresser.


She looks and notices the desk having a slightly ajar drawer.

Walking over to the desk, she grabs the handle to the drawer and pulls it open. Inside is a sheathed dagger covered in jewels.

A dagger...

She grabs it by its hilt and pulls it out of the drawer. She then grabs hold of the sheath and unsheathes it. It's covered in blood.

There! I've got him! I have to get this information to someone!

Suddenly, footsteps are heard approaching from outside the room.

Someone's coming. I have to hide.

Looking for a place to hide, she sees a nearby wardrobe, which she rushes to and gets inside of, surrounded by hanging clothing.

The door opens and Haden walks inside, immediately noticing someone's been rummaging thanks to the bed being a mess.

What...?! Someone's been in here...?!

He notices the drawer where his dagger was is open.

No, don't tell me!

He rushes to the desk and looks inside the drawer to see his dagger is not present.

This isn't good...

Looks around the room and doesn't notice anyone being present still. But Stace looks at him through the crack in the wardrobe.

I have to go tell the guards to lock the castle down... No one enters or leaves.

He walks back to the door and exits the room.

He's going to order the castle to lock its doors?! I have to get out of here and find someone I can trust!

She gets out the wardrobe and rushes to the door, peaking out and seeing Haden is gone now.

She then steps outside and into the hallway.

Camera cuts as the door closes.

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