chapter 3

52 0 40

☆ lins pov ☆

my phone buzzes violently waking me up.


" you alright bro? "

"pleasehelpmedaveedsoundslikeadyingfrogwhatdoIdo "

I sigh loudly.

" take him to groffs dressing room and show him the light switch. "

" thankyousomuch "

the call ends and I look at the time.

" 6 in the fucking morning.. "

I get up and turn the light on. the cast are meant to come over today for hamilton on broadway for a year today..

I decide to go and get some stuff for the party. we were planning to have it once showtime ends, which is around 5pm.

daveed wanted to bake a cake so we let him go home and bake it and then come.

I get my coat, my scarf, my boots and a pen just in case. I leave my house and walk out the building, thinking about who'd be there first.

I feel like groff would probably come now if I asked him, javier, anthony and thayne would come 2 hours late, renèe, pippa, jasmine and thomas would be there on time, and oak is bringing the gifts meaning he'd come around an hour early.

I go to the store and see its not really packed. good, i don't want to be swarmed. I go to the banners and look for yellow and black. I find yellow bags which could be painted on. I walked to the paint section and see a young child. this kid looked like rua, im not even kidding.

I look for the black paint and find one bottle left. thank god, im not using grey.

" hey, old guy! "

I look over and see rua's doppelganger staring up at me and I laugh a little.

" what? " I laugh.

" I need black paint for my art lesson today, so give that to me. " the kid says. he sounds like that fat kid from shrek, and he looks like charles lee. wow.

" nah, im good. " I say, putting the paint into my basket.

" but you have to, do you know who my dad is? " he argues.

" who's your dad? John rua? "

" nope, its Ronnie pickering! " (SOMEONES GOTTA KNOW WHO RONNIE PICKERING IS)

I'm literally crying at this point, I never thought I'd meet the kid of ronnie pickering-

" aren't you meant to be in the uk? "

" no! I'm here because I'm going to watch shrek the musical! "

I turn my voice recorder on and just listen to him protest on why he should have the black paint. I just walk away and laugh to myself. I pay for everything and decide to call groffsauce on my way home.

" hi lin. "

" johnathon, you aren't gonna believe this, I had an argument with ronnie pickering's son. he actually looked like rua, and be sounded like that fat kid from shrek. "

" no you didn't that is actually the funniest thing ever "

I hear him laugh through the phone and I tell him that's all I called about, so he left. though he did say he wanted to help make stencils for the bags.

i walk into my house and begin to set my banner up when groff walks in with paintbrushes. we wave at eachother and groff helps me with the banner.

" hey, groff? "

" hm? "

" do you plan on drinking tonight? "

" no, why? "

" oh, just wondering. "

I don't really want to deal with a drunk groff. that wouldn't be fun. groff takes the bags, the stencils and the paint and paints the hamilton logo on the yellow bags.

he seems so focus as he does it, it's adorable. wow lin, big thought, don't think that, don't fall in love yet.

☆ groff pov ☆

I paint on all the bags whilst lin finishes with decorations. I dont know why he asked me if I was drinking, im sober? maybe he forgot, he has a lot on his mind, that would be understandable. I finish the bags and see him looking over me, making me jump.

" oh hello- "

" hi, oaks gonna be here in 5. he's gonna drop the stuff off and then go, he wants to still have a suprise. "

" understandable. "

he seems honestly so tired. probably because he just got down from atop the cabinet. respect.

I begin making the bags stand whilst lin grabs the stuff from oak. he smiles as he takes it and I feel butterflies grow in my stomach. god, I really am in love, right?

showtime ends at 5pm, and it's currently 10am. I woke up early, god.

I shake lins hair and walk towards the kitchen to raid his cabinets.

" lin, do you actually have any food? "

" yeah, you're looking in my cup cabinet. "

" oh- "

I slam my head into the cabinet door as a joke which made lin laugh, but man, that actually hurt. I open the correct cabinet and find biscuits (cookies) . I take a packet and open it.

these are weird biscuits, they taste lemony but also sweet? weird. I like it though.

lin comes and sits next to me. he opens twitter and sees.. vanessa?

" the fuck? "

he reads the tweet and retweets:

" you have some nerve for saying that after calling me 82 times. "

I stop being nosy and play with my fingers. (you dirty minded freak) and get down from the countertop to fix a banner which fell down. I hear a phone buzzing and see its lins, which he answers and looks honestly pissed off. I hear from his phone:


" wow, okay, tone it down, and also, yes you did call me 82 times, it's on my past calls. "

" whatever, you dirty gay dumbass, go back to your stupid little show about your funny founding father's and enjoy your little boyfriend. don't ever call me again, fuck you."

the call ends and lin looks gobsmacked. I can respect that, to be honest. I walk over and look at him. he's so sad, I feel so bad..

☆lin pov☆

" groff.. "

I wrap my arms around him and sob into his chest. I dont want to live anymore. I hate this.

" hey, lin, it's 12:00, wanna go to a coffee shop? the nice one down the street is open. "

" m-mhm.. c-can i h- *hic* have your c-coat? " I stutter. I hate stuttering, drives me up the fucking wall.

" of course, follow me. "

he wipes my tears and grabs my arm, dragging me out of my building, into his, putting his coat on me and leaving.


did I make Vanessa too much of a bitch I apologise for that my bad 💀

also does anyone have any like coffee shops they like if u don't it's fine but if you do feel free to request it and I might add it in idk yet

word count: 1140 words :)

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