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As Zayd Ali and I sat down for dinner, we started to talk about our shared love for literature and education.

"I've always believed that books have the power to change the world," Zayd Ali said. "That's why I started this company - to promote education and literacy among young people."

"I completely agree," I said. "I think that books are a gateway to knowledge and understanding. They can help us see the world from different perspectives and broaden our horizons."

And I also love our Hayah, for still keeping our gazes put to the ground.

Zayd Ali nodded. "That's exactly what we're trying to do with our projects," he said. "We want to create content that engages young readers and helps them learn about different cultures, histories, and traditions."

"I'm excited to be a part of that," I said. "I think it's so important to promote education and literacy, especially in today's world where there's so much misinformation and misunderstanding."

Zayd Ali smiled. "I'm glad to hear that," he said. "I think you're going to be a great addition to our team. We need people who are passionate about what we do and who are willing to think outside the box."

Throughout dinner, we talked about our favourite books, authors, and literary events. I felt a sense of connection with Zayd Ali, and I realized that we shared a similar vision for the future.

As we were leaving the restaurant, Zayd Ali thanked me for joining him and mentioned that he was looking forward to working with me. "I think we're going to do great things together," he said.

"I agree," I said. "I'm excited to be a part of this team and to contribute to your mission."

I knew that there would be challenges in the future, but I was ready to face them head-on and continue growing as a writer and a person.

As Zayd and I were walking towards the elevator after dinner, he mentioned something that surprised me. "Oh, by the way, we have a place to pray on the fourth floor of our building, for our Muslim employees," he said.

I stopped walking and looked at him in amazement. "Really? That's awesome," I said.

Zayd nodded. "Yeah, we want to make sure that our employees feel comfortable and supported, no matter what their religion is," he explained.

We entered the elevator.

"That's great," I said. "I've never heard of a company doing something like that before."

Zayd smiled. "And it's not just the Muslim employees we support," he said. "We also have a church on the second floor for our Christian employees." He has such a beautiful smile. Wait what– Oh my God, Noori, shut up, Astagfirullah!

I was even more impressed. It was clear that the company was committed to creating an inclusive and supportive work environment for all its employees, regardless of their religious beliefs or backgrounds.

"It's amazing to see a workplace that truly values diversity and inclusivity," I said, feeling grateful to be a part of such a forward-thinking company.

Zayd smiled. "I believe that our differences make us stronger. Our world is diverse with so many different cultures and people, each with their own unique story to tell. We believe in celebrating and embracing this diversity to create a better world for everyone. Our company's motto is 'Embrace diversity and ambition, create a better world,' and Zayd gave me an ID card that had the same motto on it.


Feeling inspired after hearing Zayd's speech, I turned to Allah and made my dua. I praised Him for His blessings and asked for His guidance and support in helping me join the team and make a meaningful difference in people's lives.

I realized that my decision to accept the job offer had been a valuable learning experience. It taught me the importance of being open-minded and giving people a chance, even when I had my doubts.

I recited the words of the dua as prescribed in Islam, asking Allah to protect me from evil and guide me to the right path. I prayed for strength and determination to stay committed to the cause, even when it got tough. And I asked Allah to bless the team and their work, to help them achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world.

As I spoke to Allah, I felt a sense of peace and calm wash over me. I knew that with His help, I could overcome any obstacle and achieve my goals. I felt grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such an important cause, to make a difference in people's lives, and to serve Allah in the process.

As I put my prayer mat back in the cupboard, I couldn't help but appreciate this collision of ink and ambition.

Ink and Ambition [RE-WRITING AND EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now