Seeds of Doubts

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As the sun dipped below the horizon and the city quieted down, Mr. Ahmed, Zayd's father, sought refuge in his favorite retreat - the library. Surrounded by the comforting presence of books, he found peace, away from the bustling world outside.

In a sudden break of the silence, a knock echoed through the room, and Mr. Ahmed looked up to see a young man standing in the doorway. "Hello, may I come in?" the man asked hesitantly. Mr. Ahmed was not expecting anyone so early.

Mr. Ahmed nodded, gesturing for the visitor to enter. "Of course, please do. What brings you here?"

The man stepped into the room, his composure cautious yet determined. "I'm Hassan," he introduced himself. "I'm Noori's cousin."

Mr. Ahmed listened attentively, intrigued by the unexpected visit. "Ah, I see. How is everyone at home, Hassan? Everything alright?"

Hassan hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I've heard some things, Mr. Ahmed. About Zayd and Noori."

Mr. Ahmed's interest was piqued. "What have you heard?"

Hassan glanced around, as if unsure whether to proceed. "Well, there are rumors about Noori's past. Some people are saying she's not who she seems to be."

Mr. Ahmed furrowed his brow, feeling a pang of concern. "What kind of rumors?"

Hassan shifted uneasily. "They say she has a shady past, Mr. Ahmed. That she's not the right person for Zayd."

Mr. Ahmed's heart sank at the implications of Hassan's words. "That's quite serious. Do you have any evidence to support these claims?"

Hassan shook his head. "Not really, Mr. Ahmed. But you know how gossip spreads. Some suggest she's only interested in Zayd for his wealth and that she's been involved in similar situations before."

Mr. Ahmed felt conflicted. "Zayd has spoken highly of Noori. He believes she's a good match for him." He couldn't put his finger on it.

Hassan nodded with false sympathy. "I understand, Mr. Ahmed. But sometimes, love can cloud our judgment. Zayd might not see Noori for who she really is."

Mr. Ahmed's mind raced with doubt and worry, his anxiety warring with the unsettling rumors planted by Hassan. "I don't know what to think. Zayd has always been a sensible young man. But if what you're saying is true..."

Hassan laid a comforting hand on Mr. Ahmed's shoulder, his eyes brimming with false empathy. "We owe it to Zayd to investigate further before things go too far. We wouldn't want him to make a decision he'll regret. I do not agree with them, though. I know Noori. But I only met her recently. So all I can say is that Iwas just here to warn you, rest is upto you and the decisionof the Almighty."

With those words, Hassan left Mr. Ahmed alone in the library, his mind swirling with doubts and uncertainties. As the truth became entangled with falsehoods, Mr. Ahmed grappled with the realization that the happiness of his son might be hanging in the balance. And as the shadows lengthened and the night grew deeper, the seeds of suspicion planted by Hassan began to take root, casting a shadow over the once bright future of Zayd and Noori. He quickly walked over to his car, addressing the driver to take him home. He needed to confront Zayd as soon as possible. How dare he lie to him about a woman?

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