2. Misunderstandings

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It's been days since he's heard from Kendrick. Hm. Maybe he really doesn't care about him, Drake thinks as he walks down the street to the nearest gas station. He could really use a hot chocolate right now. He walks immediately to the hot chocolate dispenser and grabs a cup. He then takes it up to the counter to pay. As he heads out the door he notices a nearby park bench he decides to go sit at.

He holds the warm cup between his hands and takes a few sips. Then he leans his head back towards the sky and sighs, smiling. Ahh. He thinks. I really needed this. A sudden loud nosie startled him. Jeepers, he thinks as he looks up for the source of the sound. And there, across the street he sees him. Drake's heart can't help but flutter as he sees Kendrick across the street. But he's not alone. Hmm. I wonder who that is, he thinks.

He surveys the situation across the street and sees broken glass and flowers on the ground. Holy Moly, was he gonna bring me flowers? Drake thinks to himself. Just then, the mystery man leans down and kisses Kendrick straight on the lips. Drake's heart can't help but shatter into a million pieces, but he still somehow has the strength to turn away and run back to his home. I can't believe he'd do this to me, Drake thinks, wiping angry tears away from his eyes.

He soon gets  home and closes the door, leaning his back on it trying to catch his breath. He slowly slides down it and pulls his knees up to his chest, and puts his head into his hands. Maybe he really didn't love me. Maybe this is all a game to him. How could I have been so stupid? He thinks to himself.

Suddenly, he hears a knock on his door. He sits up and hastily wipes his face and nose with his sleeves. He then hesitantly opens the door. And he's not prepared for who he sees on the other side. It's Kendrick. Kendrick with a very large vase of red roses in his arms.

"I know this isn't much," Kendrick begins, "but I think it's a start to show you how much I love you."

Drake looks at him in shock for a few seconds then replies, "How dare you."

Kendrick looks visibly taken a back and unsure of himself, "What do you mean, honey?"

"How dare you come here acting like you're all innocent. I saw you! Good Golly, I can't
believe I trusted you!" Drake screams at him with tears brimming his brown eyes.

"I don't under-" Kendrick begins but Drake quickly cuts him off.

"I saw you kissing that man on the street today! Who was he? Huh?"

"I can explain-" Kendrick starts, panicked. But Drake cuts him off again.

"Oh, I'm sure you can! Get out of my house! Now! That was your last straw, buddy. You've broken my heart for the last time!" Drake shouts, hands trembling, and tears falling freely.

"Please baby. Please listen to me. It's not what it looked like." Kendrick pleas, falling to his knees. He reaches up to grab Drake's hands but he quickly snatches them away.

"You will never be in my life, or this kids life ever again." Drake says, wrapping a shakey arm around his belly.

Kendrick looks confused, "Kids? What kid?", he repeats. Then looks down to where Drake's arm is protectively wrapped around his stomach. His eyes widen, "You mean you're-", Kendrick begins excitedly. Quickly standing up with a teary smile.

"Yes. I'm pregnant." Drake finishes for him. "I'm twelve weeks today." He says, looking anywhere but Kendrick's eyes.

"That's amazing, Baby. I know you've wanted this for a long time now." Kendrick says reaching out to caress Drake's baby bump.

"Don't. Touch me." Drake hisses, taking a step back.

"Please-" Kendrick begs. But his pleas fall on deaf ears as Drake finally gets the courage he's been looking for during this whole conversation.

He can't raise this baby with a cheater and a liar. He just won't. It doesn't deserve that kind of life.

"Leave." Drake says calmly, drained by all the tears he's shed. Kendrick opens his mouth to protest some more but Drake quickly cuts him off again. "Leave. Before I call the cops." Kendrick looks at him with sad eyes for a while then turns away and starts to leave. Drake goes to close the door but pauses as he hears Kendrick mumble something. "What?" He asks.

"I just said, what you think happened didn't really happen. But I'll leave for now. I don't want to stress you or the baby out anymore than I already have. I'll see you soon. I love you both." Kendrick says sadly then turns to walk away.

Drake finally closes the door with a sigh, feeling the tears start again. He then goes to his room, lies down on his bed, and quickly cries himself to sleep.

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