4. Love Prevails

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"Okay, we can talk," Drake says, crossing his arms over his chest. He then points to the couch in the living room, "Let's sit."

He watches as Kendrick wobbles to the couch. Chocolate syrup dripping down his body with every movement. He sighs internally. This man is so fine. He quickly shakes the thought from his head and goes to sit down across from him.

It's quiet for a few minutes before Kendrick laughs softly says, "I don't even know where to begin."

"From the beginning." Drake says sternly, wanting to get straight to the point.

"Alright-" Kendrick starts then pauses, "Can you get me a towel please? I'm so sticky." He finishes biting his lip.

Drake stares at him in disbelief, cheeks bright red. Wow. Kendrick's really still trying to seduce him? Rolling his eyes, he gets up to grab a towel then throws it at him.

"There." He says, watching Kendrick wipe his face off. "Now start talking."

"Straight to the point, huh?" Kendrick chuckles, then thinks for a minutes. "How's the baby?"

"The baby's fine." Drake says unimpressed, "Now talk."

"Okay, okay." Kendrick says seriously. Sitting up straight. "Drake. I am so sorry for taking things too far with my song. I really didn't think it would blow things out of proportion the way it did."

Drake is quiet for a while. "Alright, I forgive you for the song," He begins, "But what I can't forgive you for was cheating on me."

"I didn't cheat on you." Kendrick says exasperated.

"But I saw you kissing that guy!" Drake says in disbelief.

"No. What you saw was him saving my life!" Kendrick says, voice stern.

"What do you mean-", Drake begins laughing, not believing what's he's hearing right now.

"I was drowning!" Kendrick yells. "I drank my water too fast and started drowning," He cries.

Drake sits there stunned. Oh my god. Kendrick almost died?

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Drake says tears immediately springing to his eyes. "This whole thing could have been avoided."

"You didn't give me the chance to." Kendrick says softly. He reaches across the coffee table and grasps onto Drake's hands. And Drake lets him. "Please know, I would never deliberately hurt you. You mean so much to me. The baby too. You guys are my world." Kendrick says staring into his eyes.

Drake immediately leans across and crashes their lips together.

"I'm so sorry Kenny! I should have listened to you. I should have known you'd never cheat on me. Please forgive me." Drake sobs into Kendrick's neck, crawling onto his lap, inhaling the smell of chocolate.

"Of course I forgive you baby. You forgave me, so it's only fair." Kendrick replies hugging him tightly.

They sit there for a while just breathing each other in. And enjoying this time together.

"Oh!" Kendrick says, gently urging Drake off his lap and standing up. "I have something to show you." He says smiling, pulling Drake up and towards the hallway.

Kendrick then opens the nursery door with a huge grin on his face. Drake is confused as he looks inside. Then he instantly starts bawling his eyes out.

"Kendrick! I love it." Drake says, slowing walking around the nursery. It's completely finished. It's painted, there's a crib in the corner. It looks amazing. Drake immediately turned around and jumps into Kendrick's arms, kissing him fiercely.

"Thank you so much!" Drake says between kisses.

"Anything for my babies." Kendrick replies smiling up at him, softly caressing Drake's pregnant stomach.

"I love you, Kendrick." Drake says hugging him tightly.

"I love you too, Drake."


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