1 . The Reunion

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A darkness darker than black covered the whole forest , reducing visibility to a complete low . The forest was absolutely silent , obviously , it was a secret front to keep hidden the military base hidden within .

A sudden movement on one of these trees suddenly broke the silence sending leaves fluttering in every direction .

A human figure sat atop one of the top branches of the tree it's dark figure a perfect camouflage with the dark silent surrounding.

The figure wore a complete full body dark body suit and a mask covering the entire face , a sleek dark chest piece armour that was immaculately desidned, a pair of normal looking boots and a piece of very high tech pair of gloves covering the arms .

'static noises' , the figure quickly picked up the old walkie talkie that was equally hidden by the dark environment . " Is it done ? ." The figure now confirmed to be a man asked .

"Yes , the virus I implanted should shut down their security system as soon as you are ready ."The robotic voice said sounding troubled by what was happening .

 "But ,,, Mika you don't have to do this!! . We have thousands of supporters , one of them can take your place .PLEASE , stop this before you die !!''

Their was silence , a soul shattering silence that passed for a second but to the two it felt like hours.

''We already talked about this Uri ." "I KNOW THAT ALREADY BUT ... !" " I'm tired Uri , tired of leaving this type of life " Mika said, the statement shocking Uri into silence .Their was silence again both figures refocusing their thoughts.

" Okay I understand . but you better survive .You know we still need you" Uri said his robotic voice rising sharply".

"Of course , when have you ever seen me do a bad job." Mika replied while smiling slightly. " That's a promise Mika , you better not break it " The robotic voice said laughing silently .

"See you later Uri'' Mika said before shutting off the machine. The smile previously there gone , almost as if it were a dream. "I'm sorry Uri "

Their was silence again. Mika almost seemed to be in thought , his body completely still. No breathing , no twitching, no eye movement a truly terrifying level of stillness that would have looked completely abnormal to any normal observer .

His eyes were still on the military base, observing it with a clarity that should have been impossible at the distance he was from the base .

A keener observer would have seen his widely dilated black pupil emitting a subtle white glow which contrasted with his equally blue eyes. 

'THUD , thud , thud' every light source in the base suddenly shut off sending the military base into panic as the night guards scrambled and shouted.

Mika finally moved, a sudden violent movement that completely shook the tree he was standing on as his body flashed forward jumping from tree to tree with breathtaking grace.

He traversed the 10km distance he was from the base in a matter of 5 minutes . Shockingly , on arriving near the base parameter his speed increased and with an astounding jump , he scaled the 10 meter high wall with an impossible grace . 

'Thud' he landed silently unknown to anyone as he started navigating the compound . With a certain level of familiarity and why not , he had spent the last month memorizing every nook of the base .

Mika moved silently and quietly completely like a ghost as he avoided the main base and headed southwards ,deeper into the facility as the number of guards he encountered was a complete zero , a fact he expected.

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