2 . The decision

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Yes the reason he came all this way , the reason he refused to let anyone else do this job apart from himself was this very man ' his father '.Sekani Garmadon ' or at least he used to be .

The man he was looking at now was nothing more but a shadow of his former self . 

He was still gazing at those blue eyes , looking for a sense of life , a spark of the man he used to know but there was none .

Nothing but the same lifeless look he remembered five years ago . Sekani walked off the bed , the same small smile on his face .

He walked slowly , lazily as if the fact that he was here to kill him did not matter and finally stopped to stand in front of him .

''Mikael , won't you give your  'old man' a hug?! It's been so long ."

Sekani said but he was already stepped too close to what would be considered personal space , coiling his arms around Mika in what would have been considered a normal hug .

But , this was no normal hug , a close observer would see the visible struggle Sekani was exerting in his arms and a closer one would also see how pointless the force exerted was to Mika .

THe most likely cause of this was probably the minute thin crystal like membrane that appeared
covering Mika entirely .

The man suddenly pulled back in one quick motion , disappearing in one big step and appearing back near the bed .

"I hate it when you do that . Normally , that hug would have been enough to rip apart one of our enhanced soldiers but to you , It's nothing more than a tap !!! Truly your title as the modern day Adam does not lie ''

 A hint of anger broke through the facade of a smile that was on his face .

Sekani  swung his arms wildly , the angle they traced both in humane and impossible for what a normal human should be able to do .

'' I wonder ... what makes your angrier ... ? . " Mika started walking backwards circling the bed to where the black armoured guard stood .

" The fact that you tried to infect me with the airborne virus your body is secreting and failed ..."

His earlier clenched teeth relaxed and his bloodshot eyes returned to their normal white "... or the fact that you failed to call for backup ! "

His body shot forward violently , his arm covered once again in that crysaline membrane .

' Whooshh '

In a  spit second the guards head was sent flying and in another quick maneuver he returned to where he stood , the tentacle limb completely missing where he stood .

"And now it's just you and and me ! " 

Silence once again returned , no sound of breathing , no sound of blinking no sound of a heart beat.... a truly abnormal silence . 

'Sekani was now visibly sweating . If he could his muscles would be twitching in agitation or was it excitement .

He burst out laughing , a silent almost deranged laughter, as if he did not wish to break the sacred silence between the two .

Sekani  finally clapped , a slow loud clap ," I'm impressed , you actually planned all this through . And you also managed to reach me but... "

His smile widened fully showing his teeth as he opened his arms widely .

" ... YOU CAN'T KILL MEEEE ! " Sekani  laughed again , soundlessly as his body begun to unveil the inner monster that was kept hidden .

His body became bulkier ,the night gown he wore bursting releasing four tentacle like limbs from his back , the skin covering his frame visibly withered and was replaced by a white hard membrane .

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