5 . The Infinite Tower Part 3

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The map icon beside the mission screen pointed to the general direction they needed to go . Their was no specific route and no path to follow .

it seemed like that was going to be all the help they would get .

From the mission itself , he could infer allot of things ;like the existence of a living race that resided the forest .

Were they hostile , the answer was most likely yes . And the hint they were given .

Did it mean that they should only travel during the day . Was it telling them that the denizens were only active during the night .

There were too many questions but too little answers .

" What do you think Zoe ?" he asked turning to his new companion . " Should we try going into the forest ? " His question served two major objectives .

One, to judge her reasoning capabilities and two to see if she could also come to the same conclusion he had arrived on .

She remained silent in thought , not answering him directly but clearly thinking about what she was about to say .

" I think we will face attacks from the forest denizens , most likely during the night " she said and looked at him and he nodded urging her to continue .

" It will probably be a large group that will force us to delay until the fifth day and . I don't think killing any of the denizens of the forest will be as easy as the system is trying to say "

He nodded and he would have even clapped if they were the only ones still near the cave entrance . 

"What about the hint ? . Any ideas . " he asked once more , that was truly what he was interested in . Could she comprehend the inner workings of this whole mission .

From the moment he was talking to the being , he had understood many things .

First of all , despite the being saying it's nature was solely based on it's power ,it did not dismiss the relevance of chaos and order ,it only said those concepts would not limit it's  judgement .

This likely meant that the being followed certain rules and regulations , certain things it could do and things it could not .

This also meant , it also had to maintain a level of fairness that would allow the contestants to complete the mission no matter how hard .

A small detail that when exploited would make the mission decrease in it's difficulty and to him , the hint was that detail .

" I ... think ... " she seemed to be hesitating , likely unsure of the answer she was about to give . Mika nodded in encouragement .

Mika  felt it , the answer he was about to get would not disappoint " I think we should use fire ? " Zoe looked at Mika still questioning what she had said , unsure of her own answer . 

" HA A HA HA ! "

YES , this was it . That was the answer Mika had wanted , the only true way to complete the mission .

It did not matter any more if he attracted the attention of the others no , Mika was satisfied with Zoe's answer , she had proven herself worthy .. 

Zoe started looking crestfallen , almost sad that her answer had been dismissed with a mere laugh .

 "You are right , we do need fire "

Her head quickly shot upwards gazing into his eyes , searching for any sign of deceit .

Maybe Mika was just agreeing with her  to make her  feel better but after a while staring at those crystal blue eyes , Zoe realized he was being serious .

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