The Seventh Veil Club

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☆ Roxy's pov

Our shifts starts in 10 minutes and we live 15 minutes away. "Holly we're going to be late!" I hear heals clacking down the hallway until I see Holly holding 3 pairs in her hands and a pair on her feet "I don't know which ones I like best"

I look at Holly "well then shove them all in a bag we got to go"

Me and Holly start quickly bustling down the strip trying to desperately make it on time.

"So you think he's actually gonna be there?"



"Oh yeah, his girlfriend works there so I expect so"

"He's kinda cute" I look over at Holly and she has a little smirk on her face

"Don't be a homeworker"

"Hey that's if they are married and have kids, he doesn't look old enough to check any of those"

I laugh at Holly's remark as we walk through the back doors to the Seventh Veil Club

We were only 6 minutes late and thank god our boss wasn't there yet either.

Me and Holly make out to the changing area and put on our lingerie. I haven't tried mine on yet but of course Holly has. Her set was a 2 piece almost like a bathing suit. It was a baby blue silk and had white lace lining it. She pair it with a pair of white stilettos.

The one Steven picked out for me was a black almost see through one piece. Well it's technically a two piece because they are only being held together with just a few straps. There was a garter that came with the set so I decided to put it on too. I paired my outfit with some thick platform leather boots.

"Damn you look hot" I heard from behind me and I see that Holly is all finished dressing. "You're hotter" she grabs my arm and drags me to the hair and makeup area.

As we walk I pass a girl wearing a white and gold lingerie set. She had dark short hair and she was applying a thick line of eyeliner. I give myself a little mental note that it must be Adriana. I was right, she does look good in that.

We start to do our hair which basically means we just tease it to the high heavens.

Holly does a dark red eye to contrast with her baby blue outfit. I decided to be basic and just do a classic smokey eye.

After about 20 minutes we were all ready. Physically. I really didn't want to stand out there. It's like you stand there like a hunk of meat and lions stare at you.

It gives Holly a confidence boost and she enjoys being out there. But me, seeing all the eyes on me makes me want to crawl up into ball.

"Roxy come on" Holly breaks me out of my daze

"You ok" she asks

"Yeah I'm fine sorry, just nerves" I half smile

"Come on girl, once we are out there we will rule the stage. It won't matter what other people think"

"Thanks Holly" I give her a little hug right before we walk out the back.

We get bombarded by cat calls and whistles as we make our way to our little stages. Thank god for the no touching rule.

An hour goes by and so far it looks like I made about fifty bucks. Some of the money was hanging from my garter from the creepy men reaching and stuffing it in. I wish they wouldn't but money is money.

I look over at Holly and I see that she is having the time of her life. The song "Super Freak" by Rick James was blasting through the whole place and that so happens to be one of Holly's favorite songs.

As I'm on the pole and looking at Holly I swear I hear my name being called. I was right because I heard someone say my name again. I look over and from a distance at the bar I see a mop of fluffy blonde hair sitting on one of the stool with what looks like Adrianna on his lap.

"Roxy!" I see Steven waving at me with a wide smile. I give him a quick smile back before noticing the people he was sitting with.

There was another blonde but looked very tall compared to Steven. A really curly headed guy, you couldn't even see his face with how much hair he had. He was talking to some blonde that was sitting next to him. Then there was red head that was distracted by another girl walking by.

I thought that was it but then I see another guy sitting kind of off to the side. He had dark hair that hung around his face framing it. He was wearing a black button up shirt with all the buttons undone. A scarf hung loosely around his neck as he was smoking a cigarette. I couldn't look away after I saw him. Especially when I see his piercing eyes staring back at me.

"Roxy" I hear my name again but it's not Steven saying it this time. I finally look away from the illusive man and see Holly trying to get my attention.

"It's time for our break" she says smiling up at me. I gratefully take her hand as I hop off my stage. "Let's go to the bar" she starts dragging me.

"Um, I think I might need some fresh air"

"Oh come on, you can after you take a shot with me"

There's no use in arguing now since we just walked into the bar area.

This is gonna be fun.


Oooooooo <3

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