On The Rox

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 ☆ Roxy's POV

Rehearsal went pretty well I would say. Holly and I just went with the flow of the music and Axl said that it was good enough so. Currently we are backstage waiting to be announced to go on. Everyone was pretty much already wasted especially Steven and Slash. I peak my head around the corner and see how many people showed up. There was a lot, the place was packed.

"You look nervous" Duff whispers behind me as he takes a puff of his cigarette and blows smoke in the air.

"I'm not" I lie stealing the cigarette from his lips.

He chuckles "You got this. No reason to be nervous. There'll be no time to be nervous once you're on stage."

I smile at him, and he winks as he playfully smacks my ass. Duff turns his attention to behind me "Well looks like that got Izzy's attention. He's going to lose his damn mind if we act like this out there" I look behind me also and notice Izzy staring daggers, but he quickly diverts his attention away. 

I laugh as a mischievous smirk spread across my face "Well we should do it then huh"

Duff smirks also as he ruffles my hair. "Don't tempt me"

The lights in the venue suddenly go dark and the bright green stage lights turn on indicating that it's time. "Time to fucking rock!" Steven yells. Axl walks out first "Let's give them hell!"

The crowd is going absolutely crazy for the band, the cameras flashing and the lights flashing. I can actually feel my heart racing in my chest. It's a rush. The audience is so loud I can barely hear myself think. I walk to my designated spot which is between Duff and Izzy. How ironic.

Holly stands on the other side by Slash and she is eating up all the attention. She's blowing kisses out to the crowd and already swaying her hips showing off her figure. I wish I had a guitar strapped to me to hide my vulnerable state.

I look at the front row where I see Axl's girlfriend with Adrianna and Izzy's- acquaintance? I kind of feel bad for her almost. Am I a bad person trying to make Izzy jealous? It's not likely they are actually together. 

My thoughts get interrupted by Slash drunkenly yelling in the microphone "Hey fuckers! Suck on Guns N' fuckin' Roses!" The crowd cheers and Steven starts off the first song of the night. Reckless Life.

The guys launch into the song and go absolutely nuts. During soundcheck they were more calm and more focused on making the music. Now it's like wild animals got out of their enclosure. The alcohol and drugs must've really kicked in. 

Axl jumps around and stomps his foot on the stage while he sings. He's basically shirtless besides the leather vest he has on. The revealing skin gets the attention of all the girls especially Erin who is loving the view. Duff is bouncing around like a madman. Despite him being drunk he's playing the bass with perfect precision. 

I look over to my right where Izzy is and see that he's eyeing me more than ever. Instead of him quickly looking away this time though he keeps his full attention on me. I don't look away either, we keep our eye contact and keep going with the melody. I love his eyes, I love how they pierce into me, I love how I can't look away from them. That's why when we do break contact it's because of Duff spinning me around. I know that Duff is supposed to be helping me make Izzy jealous, but he really just ruined a good moment.

The whole show goes on pretty much like that. I get Izzy's attention, but Duff takes it away. It was a killer show though. It's probably the most adrenaline I've felt for a long time even more than when Steven, Holly and I ran down the strip the other day. Slash ends off the night by playing the guitar behind his head and Steven throws his sticks in the crowd. We all wave to the crowd except for Izzy; He was the first person off the stage.

"That was killer!" Holly yells excitedly. 

We all are all sweaty and out of breath "I think that was one of the best shows we've done." Axl adds. Slash and Steven both make their way out; most likely ready to do what they did last night. 

Duff sneaks up behind me and whispers in my ear "You were amazing out there." I turn around and his face was inches from mine. "Thank you" I smile. 

"...Izzy was definitely jealous" Duff says. "The dressing rooms are probably empty now, and... we have time"

I look around me and no one appears to notice us, so I nod my head with a smirk. Duff grabs my hand and drags me to the rooms.


After some time, me and Duff go out to the bar area and go our separate ways. He joins a slumped Steven and Slash at a booth as I meet Holly that's sitting at the bar.

"Where have you been" Holly asks with a knowing smirk

"Shut up" I giggle as the bartender walks up to me. 

"What could I get for you" He smiles as his eyes rake down my body. 

I try to ignore him "Can I get a Jack and Coke"

"Coming right up" 

I turn back over to Holly "I think the boys were drooling all over you" we both giggle but the bartender comes up and interrupts handing me my drink.


"Can I help you with anything else tonight"

"I'm good for now" I try to turn back to Holly to continue our conversation but he buts in again.

"Oh, come on, anything you want, I'm happy to provide for you." he leans in close placing a hand on my arm that's laying on the bar top. I quickly pull my arm away "Really, I'm fine"

"Let me know if you change your mind or if you'd like a little something... extra on the side."

What the hell does this guy think he is. I scoff and roll my eyes at his boldness. Holly speaks up "Fuck off dude she's not interested"

"Hey, hey what's with the attitude I'm just trying to have a little fun" he smirks

"I think I'm just going to close my tab"

"Well, don't leave just yet baby, come on just on more drink. It's on the Rox"

"I'm good" I stand up to get away from him, but he swiftly reaches over the bar and grabs my arm. Holly stands up quickly ready to hit the guy, but someone beats her to it. Out of nowhere someone throws a fist at the creepy guy's unsuspecting face. Holly reaches out to me pulling me back from the surprising altercation. The guy that threw the punch got dragged over the bar top to the other side, so I'm still confused on who it is. 

Security pushes through the crowd and pulls the guys apart. The bartender pops up first "what the fuck man" One of the security guards is holding him back as the other pulls the other guy up.

"Izzy?!" Holly yells

What the fuck. The guy coming to the rescue is... Izzy? What the actual fuck.

Izzy's face is full of anger when he looks at the bartender. When Holly yelled out his name his attention focused on us. On me. His face turns into a state of pity when he looks at me. The security escorts Izzy outside and just leaves the bartender behind. "Hey! what the fuck, he was the bad guy!" I point at the bartender. One of the guards looks at me "He didn't throw the first punch though" and walks off. 

What the fuck.



Dust N' Bones (Izzy Stradlin/Guns N' Roses fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now