Guns N' Roses

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☆ Roxy's POV

"Hey!" Steven basically bounces out of his seat.

Holly looks over and greets Steven with a smile "oh look you actually came" Steven smiles as he looks at Adriana "couldn't miss out on the show"

Adriana looks at us. "Who's the one that picked my lingerie out"

Me and Holly kind of freeze but I spoke up "I picked it out" Adriana looks at me "oh shit really, I love it! I knew when Steven brought it home he didn't pick it out by himself"

I let out a little giggle out of relief that she wasn't the jealous type "you should've seen him, he looked like a lost puppy trying to look through the garments" I exaggerate

Adriana laughs and we start up a little conversation as I order two shots of vodka.

Our drinks come out then I hear someone speak up or more like slur behind me. "Is that vodka?"

I turn around and I'm met with a chest of someone. I look up and realized it was the really tall blonde I saw sitting next to Steven.

"Yeah it is"

"Is it for you?" He says taking a step back to look at me

"No shit Sherlock, why you think I'm holding it in my hand" I retort

"Duff leave them alone" I hear another voice say. I look over at the illusive man speaking up. I make eye contact with him for a second before he looks away.

"Just asking a question" the person who I assume name is Duff said before sulking down the end of the bar to order whatever he's having. Probably a vodka.

I look back over the illusive man and he gives me a quick smile. I know it's just a smile but why is it making me blush so hard. I looked away quickly that I don't even know if I smiled back. "Shit" I mumble to myself.

Our break ends quickly since it's only 15 minutes, so now we got to make our way back to the stages.

I take a quick shot and I feel better already.


How many people are going to sneak up on me today. I turn around my eyes meet piercing eyes. I just look at him for a second before he clears his throat.

"Just wanted to say sorry about my friend...Duff" he points to who he's talking to. "He can be really weird sometimes especially when he's been drinking"

I let out a little breathy chuckle

"Hey it's ok, if I had to apologize for everything my friend did I wouldn't stop talking" I laugh nudging towards Holly

He laughs too "I'm Izzy, I'm assuming you're Roxy. The one Steven was yelling at from across the room"

"Yep that's me, I just met him today. He's the one that helped me get this outfit" I look down at what I was wearing.

"I know he wouldn't shut up about it when he got home. I would say he's got good taste"

I blush and was about to thank him when Holly runs up to me "come on we got to go, I love this song!"

Holly drags me away. Again. I give Izzy a quick smile before getting pulled into the busy crowd of people.


Our shift finally came to an end and I really needed another drink. I walked to the bar and ordered a jack and coke. As I sit there and sip on my drink I realize that Izzy is still here but he's in a booth by himself.

I decided to walk up to him "Where'd all your friends go?" Izzy smirks "well I only know where Steven went because I saw him go back there with his girl" Izzy points to where the dressing rooms are.

I giggle "I bet he's having fun, mind if I sit?"
Instead of gesturing me to sit in the other booth he scoots over and pats the seat next to him. Usually I wouldn't sit with a guy I had just met but for some reason I'm really comfortable right now, it might just be the alcohol.

"Axl and Slash I think went to go get dances"

"Axl and Slash? What kind of names are those"

Izzy chuckles "Slash is the curly headed one and Axl is the red headed one. We are all in a band since you are wandering why our names are weird."

"A band, really"

"Yeah, what about you? Is Roxy a stage name or..."

I get this question a lot. It's not everyday you meet someone named after a club.

"It's my name, well the name I go by" why am I being so open

"What's your real name"

I don't know if I want to tell this guy my real name but for some reason it just slips out.

"That's a cute name but I think I like Roxy more, seems more badass" he smirks at me

Blush creeps across my face "what about you? Is Izzy just a stage name?"

"Yeah, I changed it ever since I moved to LA, my legal name is Jeffery Isbell. My last name is where I got Izzy from"

"Makes sense, I named myself after the Roxy. I thought it went well with my last name. Roxy Reed, I think it's better than my friend's. Holly Woods." I laugh at the thought of Holly's first and last name together.

Izzy laughs "really?! Holly Woods?" I laugh too "yeah"

Me and Izzy continue our conversation giggling until the red head Axl runs from the back rooms.

"Hey man we got to go, Slash pissed off some girl and she's going crazy!"

"What'd he do?" Izzy retorts

"I don't know but what I do know is that we gotta dip now" Axl says before jogging away trying to find Steven

Izzy turns to me with a smile "are you free Friday night?"

"I think so, why"

"Me and the band is playing at the Whiskey then. I can give you and your friend VIP passes."

A smile spreads across my face "ok"

Izzy gets up and says his goodbye and starts walking to where Axl and Steven is already waiting by the door.

"Come on man Duff and Slash are already outside!" Axl yells

I smile to myself about the situation they got themselves into until

"Hey wait!" I yell to Izzy.

He turns around and waits for what I'm about to say.

"What's your band called?"

"Guns N' Roses"


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