The Roxy

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☆ Roxy's POV

It's like a breath of fresh air when I walk into the place. I smile as I look around the place. It's completely empty right now but hopefully that'll change tonight. Holly and I just stand there looking around.

"Are they here yet?" Holly asks

"Well, they said be here by 7 and it's... 7:15" I say spotting a clock on the wall.

"I thought that we'd be fashionably late" Holly giggles

I laugh too when someone calls out for us. "Hey" We both look over and Izzy is standing in the doorway. "We're in the back" he says before making eye contact with me. It's like instantly he looks away and retreats in the back. Me and Holly hurry and follow him so we wouldn't get lost. "Someone seems like he's in a mood" Holly whispers to me. "shush"

Izzy leads us to a room where all the boys are. Duff is sitting on the couch occupying a bottle of vodka, Slash is tuning and playing with his guitar, Axl is teasing his hair in a mirror that's in a little room connected, Steven is sitting in front of the big mirror in the main room twirling his drumsticks. Izzy sits back down next to Steven and finishes straightening his hair. I guess the boys interrupted him and made him look for us. 

Axl speaks up "there is a room just next to us if you girls want to start getting ready"

"If you need help let me know" Duff winks.

I laugh at Duff's comment and see Izzy roll his eyes from my peripheral vision. Holly grabs my hand and drags me to our dressing room.

It's definitely a small room. Me and Holly barely have enough space to move around but we make do. There is a small desk and mirror pressed up against the wall. Holly walks over and dumps the contents of our makeup bag all over. I sit down on the little loveseat that is at the other side.

"What are you doing? We have to get ready" Holly exasperates

"We have plenty of time, besides all I have to do is change and smear makeup across my eyes AND you are hoarding up all the space"

"Asshat" Holly says as she sits down and starts on her makeup. It takes like 30 minuets for Holly to get ready and now its 7:48 pm. That only leaves me to get ready in like 10 minuets for soundcheck at 8:00. The shows start at 8:45 so technically if we get through it fast enough, I can have more than 10-

My thoughts get interrupted by Duff barging into the room. Holly left after she got ready to "go get a drink."

"Hey" Duff slurs. Jeez he's already drunk.

"Hi" I say quickly trying to get ready on time.

Duff lazily walks in the room, and I look in the mirror to see that he is directly behind me looking at me in the mirror. He bends down to where our heads are at level; he brushes my hair off my shoulder and peppers kisses along it.


"The couch looks a little empty over there" Duff teases

"Duff" I say firmer this time

Duff stops and looks up at me in the mirror again. "I'm trying to get ready" I try to reason.

"We can be late" he smirks

I sigh and put down my makeup brush and turn around. Duff backs up so he can see me better. "I thought that last night was just a fun drunken spur of the moment"

Duff looks confused "It can't be more than one time?" he chuckles

"I'm not really looking for a relationship right now" I lie trying to get him off my back. It was fun with him but... it just doesn't feel right.

"Who said anything about relationships" Duff says sitting down on the couch "we can just keep hanging out... making Izzy jealous"

Duff mentioning Izzy makes my heart race a little. It kind of sounds shitty that he is offering I use him to get to Izzy. Yet again he IS offering.

"No strings attached?" I speak

"Nope, we see other people and do whatever" Duff smiles

"Ok..." I say hesitantly, Duff's smile grows even wider as he shifts in his seat "I'm still doing my makeup so that doesn't change" I quickly say. Duff sighs and slouches back into the couch as I giggle.


Somehow, I get ready just a few minutes late but it's whatever Duff is late too since he stayed with me. We make our way out to the stage where everyone except Axl is waiting. It looks like they already have started setting the sound for the guitars because Slash and Izzy are both playing a song that I haven't heard before.

"Sounds good" Duff says announcing our presence.

All heads turn towards us "You guys made it just in time!" Steven shouts. Slash nods his head in recognition. Izzy is another story, he doesn't even look our way but mumbles "barley". Duff hops up on the stage where his bass is waiting for him and he slings the long strap over his shoulders.

Steven starts banging in his drum as they adjust the audio throughout the place. Holly is sitting at the bar so I decide to accompany her. I can feel the eyes burning on me as I turn to walk away.

"They're all staring" Holly says giggling gesturing her head behind me. I look around and they all pretty much are including Izzy. I try to send him a smile but he just looks away blankly.

"You think it's going to be like this every time"

"Most likely"

I order some kind of fruity cocktail as Holly and I watch the boys practice with their instruments. They are all really talented and I can definitely see them going far.

The door from the outside opens and walks in two other girls. They're not dancers that's for sure, they're actually dress really plainly. I recognize one of the girls from the party the other night. It's the blonde Izzy was making out with. She's accompanied by another girl with brown hair that shouts "Hey babe!" I direct my attention to the stage where Axl is waving back at her. When did he get out here?

I look over at Holly and see the shocked and scared expression on her face "babe?" I whisper to her.

"Shut the fuck up" she whispers frantically like she's scared her nervousness will spread through the room.

I can't help but laugh a bit at Holly's reaction. "I didn't know he had a girlfriend!" She whisper shouts. I can't contain my laughter anymore. Holly smacks my shoulder silently begging me to stop. I finally recollect myself and move my gaze back up to the stage. Izzy is talking with the blonde and Axl is basically making out with the other. Their little interaction doesn't last that long because they are now making their way over to us. Oh shit.

I down the rest of my drink and hurriedly order a shot of vodka. "Hey" the brunette says. Holly is still in shock, so I guess I'm going to take the lead "hey."

"I'm assuming you're the girls Axl was talking about over the phone. He was talking about having some dancers for a while now" The brunette adds on.

"Yeah... Roxy, and this is Holly" I grab Holly's arm and she lets out a nervous "hey"

"Yeah, I'm Erin. Axl's girlfriend but I bet you could tell" she giggles "we kind of keep things out in the open"

I laugh along with her and Holly adds in some chuckles.

"I'm Desi" the blonde speaks up. "I guess you can say I'm with Izzy... but it's kind of hard to tell at the moment"

Wait her and Izzy aren't officially together?

I nervously laugh her comment. What else am I going to do. This is like the most awkward conversation I've had in a long time. Thankfully we get interrupted by Axl speaking in the microphone. "We are going to run through a song so you girls can come up and practice your choreography or whatever."

"Choreography?" Holly whispers

"I guess" I shrug as me and Holly make our way to the stage.


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