The Truth

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The chicken pulled out a drawer, throwing everything out of it, already beginning to make a mess of the place. Luckily, Bobby came with them.

She grabbed the items Kickin threw, organizing them into neat piles to be returned to the drawers afterwards.

"Kickin, I told you not to make a mess!"

"I know but this is taking forever! I just want to find that watch already! Or...not find it. Whichever happens."

"Patience Kickin, if you rush too much, you may miss it regardless of whether it's missing or not."

The chicken sighed, having gone through the drawer he picked out. Nothing in this one either. This was...what? His fifth drawer by now?

Who knew that Catnap kept so many things in his house?! He flopped down onto Catnap's head, letting out an annoyed groan.

"Come onn, there has to be a better way to do this."

The elephant looked over at the chicken, letting out a soft sigh himself. To be fair, the three were making a mess, and taking a long time, too.

"Wait...I have an idea."

The elephant glanced at the watch on his wrist, navigating through it with his hooves. Kickin and Bobby stared at him, a little confused.

"You see, I remembered that I planned to make an application of sorts, a simple one really. Basically, one that allows me to track other watches like mine."

"Now, I just have to hope that I actually made it, or else we're gonna be here for a while..."

The elephant searched through the menus on the watch. Kickin groaned.

"Come on...please be on the watch, please be on watch..."

Anticipation grew with a brief moment of silence from the elephant, before he spoke, his face lighting up a bit.

"There! Found it!"

Kickin let out a sigh of relief, standing up from the bed and walking towards the elephant. Bobby followed alongside him.

"Oh thank goodness."

Bubba let out a soft chuckle, tapping onto the app. It seemed to have a map of the entire area the critters lived in, as well as some basic things a digital map would have, of course!

He tapped on a button, one that Kickin could only assume was made for the watch tracking feature.

A small pop up on the screen came up, which said "One watch found!" In purple text. The pop-up disappeared, as the map moved to Dogday's house, giving the three some hope for a moment...until it went to Picky's.

Then Bobby's.

Then....the ocean?

Then Catn-

Wait no Kick-

Wait no the soccer field-

"What in the-?! It's acting as if it can't trap Catnap's watch! But...but how? If Catnap's here...then it should be close enough to track."

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