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Meera Pov

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Meera Pov

"Hi bhaiya" I hug him.

"Hey,meera" He hugs me back

"Where is bhabhi?" I ask as I couldn't catch the sight of her.

"She  went outside for some shopping" I nod.

"Bhaiya, We have to talk about something important" I say nervous.

"What's Wrong?" We sit on the couch.

"I want to divorce armaan" I say

"What? Why?" He askes confused

"He is abusing me" I say nervous

"Meera, You need to think of it properly" He says.

"I thought of it for 1 year" I say annoyed.

"You need to think of it carefully" He says holding my hand. I shake my head "I can't do it anymore"

"Meera think straight, what would others think. He is literally a huge business man and you have a huge following on Insta. Think about it and we can talk tomorrow" He said and pats my shoulder

"Do you know what are you speaking? He is literally abusing me and you want me to think about what others will think." I ask annoyed

"Listen to m-" I cut him off

"You know what I'm leaving" I get up and leave the house. I drive to home.

*Next day*

Armaan comes back home

"I need to talk to you" I say to him

"What?" He says annoyed

"I need a divorce" I say seriously

"What? Say it again" He says and gets up and starts walking up to me

"I need a divorce" I say again

*As soon as I said that I felt a harsh pain on my cheek*

"Divorce? You want a divorce from me" He shakes me and I push him away

"Oh, You're fighting back now" He scoffs and raises his hand to slap me again but I pushed his hand away and slapped him instead.

"I had enough, I'm done with you" I say while breathing heavily

"Sign those divorce papers and leave" I say

"Why will I leave?" He asked annoyed

"This house is in my name,You fucking idiot" I shout at him

*It's night now, armaan has left after signing the papers*

I was sitting near my window looking outside. "Finally,I'm free" I think to myself and smile

*Next day, At virats house*

3rd Person pov

The air crackled with tension as Virat, Anushka, and their mom confronted Meera. Anger burned in their eyes, fueled by disbelief and disappointment.

Virat's voice was low and intense. "How could you do this, Meera? Divorce him? He's your husband!"

Anushka stepped forward, her hands trembling with fury. "You're tearing our family apart. We raised you to stand by your commitments!"

Their mom's eyes were filled with tears, her voice quivering. "You've brought shame upon us, Meera. How could you betray your marriage vows?"

Meera stood tall, her face a mask of determination. "You don't understand. He was abusive. He made my life a living hell."

Virat scoffed. "That's no excuse! You should've endured it, like a good wife."

Anushka's voice rose, echoing with hurt. "You're selfish, Meera. Selfish for choosing your own happiness over your family's honor."

Meera's fists clenched at her sides. "I won't apologize for choosing my safety and sanity. You may disown me, but I won't let anyone decide my life."

Meera stood before her family, the heavy silence suffocating the room. Their eyes bore into her, filled with disappointment and disapproval. She knew what she had to say, even if it meant severing ties with the people she once thought would always be there for her.

Virat's jaw tightened, his fists clenched at his sides. "So, you're just going to abandon us because you couldn't handle a little hardship?"

Anushka's voice was laced with bitterness. "You're a disgrace, Meera. We raised you better than this."

Their mom's eyes brimmed with tears, but her voice was cold. "You've brought shame upon our family. We want nothing to do with you."

Meera's chest tightened with pain, but she refused to back down. "I won't apologize for prioritizing my own well-being. If you can't support me in that, then I have no choice but to walk away."

Their silence spoke volumes as Meera turned and walked out the door, leaving behind the family that had once been her world. It was a lonely path she was embarking on, but she knew it was the only way to reclaim her dignity and self-respect.

Note:- loves, I know Virat,Anushka will never be like this, this is just fiction and in the future I promise to build their relationship again

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Note:- loves, I know Virat,Anushka will never be like this, this is just fiction and in the future I promise to build their relationship again. So no hate

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