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Today the Australian team was going to India for the worldcup

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Today the Australian team was going to India for the worldcup.

Meera was sitting next to Pat in the lounge waiting for the flight.

"Meera, Are you sure you want to come to india" Pat asked concerned.

"I already told you a million times, It's fine" Meera says

"But I'm worried for you" Pat says and kisses her forehead.

"I told you,I'm fine" Meera smiles "And how can I live without you for 2 months" Meera teases

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"I told you,I'm fine" Meera smiles "And how can I live without you for 2 months" Meera teases.

Pat chuckles and hugs Meera

"Love birds,Our flight is here" Maxwell say and smiles.

The team boards the flight


@Meerakohli posted

@Meerakohli posted

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Liked by patcummins30, gmaxi_30,vini

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Liked by patcummins30, gmaxi_30,
vini.raman, davidwarner31, candywarner1, Matthewwade13, juliabwade and 61899 others

Meerakohli India here we comeeee
@patcummins30 @cricketaustralia

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patcummins30: Let's goooo
▪︎Meerakohli: Yeahhhh

vini.raman: So excited to spend time together 🎉
▪︎Meerakohli: Me too 💌

ritssajdeh: Missed you,bbg 🫶🏻
▪︎Meerakohli: ❤️

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@vini.raman posted

Liked by patcummins30, gmaxi_30,vivi

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Liked by patcummins30, gmaxi_30,
vivi.raman, davidwarner31, candywarner1, Matthewwade13, juliabwade and 61899 others

vivi.raman Travelling with my favorite girl @Meerakohli

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Meerakohli: Love you,gurl 🫶🏻
▪︎vini.raman: Love you more 😘

gmaxi_30: Someone is stealing my wife and I can't do anything about it 😔 @Meerakohli
▪︎Meerakohli: 🤪😝

candywarner1: My fav girls 🫰🏻
▪︎vini.raman: Love you 🫶🏻
▪︎Meerakohli: Love you Candice 🫶🏻

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